Les bienfaits du jeûne / The Benefits of - TopicsExpress


Les bienfaits du jeûne / The Benefits of Fasting Dmessaoudipoliticos Hello, Ive borrowed your video to make a presentation about the benefits of fasting. Here it is: youtube/watch?v=gcxumZOvtT0 604 : 0:05on 0:12move 0:16mu woohoo 0:28this Ramadan brings with it 18 health of 0:31he could some challenge for the party in this short 0:35K you look at what happens what the false 0:41left not reflect your digestive system 0:44false so more like will be sent other tissues 0:47appointee in addition your party Houston Austin Peay 0:52urinary deposits question Im vessels 0:55when you agree 0:59your body can absorb thousands of toxins China use in the environment around us 1:04fasting helps me it off set up field tough 1:08your stomach 1:12use the time during of key itself 1:15the anyplace half or more 1:18this digest urine test times also you sometime during fasting deeply 1:25in South I made any place attack 10 out from all 1:29shit digestion feel it 1:32provides the voice like Jan secondary energy source 1:36and breaks down fat a five piece about no texts 1:39when you are fasting 1:43youll keep me increase and not the fifth 1:46prices excretion salt shes developed them up 1:52of Boston can be extremely beneficial for mentally 1:55pitch its still miss you why 1:59hes day she sell to you basic you may find yourself 2:03health mistake 2:10to people who didnt want 2:13in class just before the bell UNM do a few guest speak 2:16the famous to nicole on you doing done cause Im actually cause and it when it 2:21Chevy Memphis you in PDF a tune with an extra me to call room 2:25from upon your visit medi-cal and mother fits you given few POSCO p.m. is she did 2:30I can on every because we have in his offense to steady CO 2:33fifty about them in the kennel and have a dispatcher York and casual 2:36many by the mall now famous storyteller indeed all scientists note bestest a 2:41shall lead them on the home they will put Windows him visit offender if youre 2:45feeling like this could be 2:477-on-7 moment to moment when you pull a midsummer 2:50you see bill that happen good public finance will be showing the smithsonian 2:54the common folk 2:55something us whove you been up on your visit everything from your pre to like 2:59those could be 3:00from which account now leaving chippy in this is you 3:03come well see I shiny this young man a deep if his table said having 3:07shown petition is your credit calumet picked up 3:11said that the official was so I complete mcginley pollak welcome usual 3:15said make a service officials said Monday more default you see demo to Ted 3:19measure VDC did the best County woke up the Im sure 3:23an electricity put me on what chin something pres ok into the abdomen and 3:28legacy considerably more Henry it emerges on white elevate this battered 3:33of Ely I miss you 3:35credentialed idk I am sick all day should missile to presume Press New 3:39sometime in the coming year last onto my something Chevy descended upon forces so 3:43I may develop an energy many mock their 3:45kicks clearly boys from geysers Sep any good steak 3:49sector free SF anti-big 80 hazard to 3:53once again seems sure to comment on Swedish I could comment is now for some 3:57beauty 3:57who wanted you him in the snow 4:01for more than two months before ramming Don 2013 4:04I suffered from blocking reflux as of agile dis 4:08inflammatory bowel and rectum when I walked 4:11and when I went to the toilet I felt as if there was a ball at the extremity of 4:15my colon 4:16for my first medical visit I underwent an endoscope E 4:20after which was diagnosed and as of Ajay dis at the initial stage 4:25treated by medication it disappeared in a few days 4:29but the flatulence the rectal inflammation 4:32and the intestinal aches persisted I was going to request an appointment for a 4:37second visit 4:38to undergo a sigmoid a scope I was not only a shame to show myself naked to the 4:43doctor 4:44but also afraid of the pain caused by the introduction of that equipment and 4:47my belly 4:48doubtless because have my previous painful experience at the first visit 4:52so I postpone the sigmoid a scope when the lead month came 4:57I made a decision to start fasting and if my health condition did not improve 5:02or worsened I would break the fast and I would defer the Lent 5:06to the day I would be completely healed for the first three days 5:10I admit that I suffered not only from stomach aches 5:13but also from headaches but I decided to wait and see 5:17on the fourth day and near Eagle happened I did not feel any abdominal 5:21pain 5:23stomach gazes were significantly reduced and the rectal itching disappeared 5:27as the land days went by I felt even more better 5:31feeling a marked improvement in my health I decided to reinforce this 5:36divine remedy with a diet which exclude soft drinks 5:39some leg yums some fruits and some types of cakes 5:43result on this 15th day avram it on 5:46I am 99 percent recovered praise be to God 5:50the omniscient six https://youtube/watch?v=gcxumZOvtT0
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 14:59:28 +0000

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