Let the discussion begin and peeps! bashing exercise techniques - TopicsExpress


Let the discussion begin and peeps! bashing exercise techniques and qualified, experienced instructors, abilities in their chosen field and knowledge is not cool. Before I started yoga, I thought it was lethal. I really didnt get it or even like it , i was thrown out of many classes for laughing my head off and i thought flipping your legs over your head for a shoulderstand was the most dangerous thing i ever saw. Mostly, because I had attended too many poor quality instructors and hadnt found the yoga style suited to me. For this I thank the amazing Orla Punch who brought me in and held my hand through Ashtanga and introduced me to world class training with some of the best yogis in the world. Her openess to me , came from a background in fitness where we had met and trained together , many years before and her recognition of my knowledge of the body and movement, albeit in a different field. I had been judgemental and ego driven regarding yoga , before I started with Orla. The same way the other yogis around me , were towards my entry to their field. . Never ever knock it till you try it and look at ALL EXERCISE from a movement point of view for the gen pop ,or specifically from your athletes point of view for their skillset. Open minds and hearts make you the best at what you do, with an ability to adapt to environment and respect others. The whole crossfit argument is where im coming from here and trainers, you better get used to it because its spreading like wildfire. I have 30 years experience in this field of exercise , health, fitness and wellness, im still here because I have embraced it all and moved with the times. Trainers dont get left behind by prejudice , if you dont like it move on and be the best in your own field. You could also try learning it ,then decide from a professional point of view and make your argument , or take the good things from it and use it to develop. Some of the progressions in cf are some of the best Ive seen anywhere. Checking out youtube and only getting a snapshot of the whole thing is pure ignorance and does not produce a balanced argument. Its not going away, so if you feel strongly about it then push for more regulation. Hey! why not push for more regs in the general field, because to me a personal trainer needs a minimum of at least 5 years in their chosen field with a plethora of training behind them , not a weekend course after a short fitness instructor training course. Personally, I abhor spinning and hot yoga! will I train my clients in spinning or send them to a hot studio ? Absolutely, if thats what they want and will get them off the couch. Will I try to get them to open their minds so they wont get bored and get back on the couch ? Too right I will. Will I watch them so they are not spinning towards injury or failure ? .Damn right! Will I direct them to the best in that field, if I cant take them there? Of course I will. If you specialise as a trainer, respect to you, clients should be trained by the best in any field and be encouraged to mix the salad over a lifetime .Their daily routine should be something to enhance their life and movement that suits their lifestyle . In all the years I have been teaching yoga I have found many things wrong with the business of yoga but I never heard anyone bash fitness instructors in the way I see fitness pros ?!?! attacking strongman and crossfit. Gen pop may not like it but a good trainer is a good trainer . Ive been watching cf and where their are some terrible standards I have also worked with some of the best trainers I have seen in any field in a long time. This one gives a big up to cspbray for their safety, movement and openess . 4 weeks fundamentals 3 days a week not only sets you on a rhythm but teaches technique under guidance. The community atmosphere is superb .As long as they stay on the path of embracing and encouraging everyone they will go very far in their specialisms. Im sure their are others and equally I know their are some v underqualified cf centres, in the same way their are useless personal trainers full of ego and devoid of knowledge. One more thing, I always trained my trainers with the same idea. Be the best you can be for your clients. Learn from them. Your business will grow and you will be around for a long time in your chosen field Discussion on the benefits of all movement activities ,including dance by the way, is crucial. Try to be open, if you have real experience and qualified knowledge as to why something should be avoided. Then tell us all in a constructive way and let trainers and clients make up their minds from an informed point of view . Im still learning , it never stops.. #keeplearning#beopen#begreat.#embraceitall.#stilllearning
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 12:00:02 +0000

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