Lets Be Friends! Companion Planting Companion Planting Keep - TopicsExpress


Lets Be Friends! Companion Planting Companion Planting Keep your plants In Good Company by using these handy tips for companion planting. Three Sisters Traditional aboriginal planting technique in the garden. Corn is planted in the centre followed by beans and the squash. Corn gives the support the beans need to grow up. Beans grab nitrogen from the air which helps to feed the corn and the squash shade the roots of both to help during dry periods. Together they are known as the three sisters who support each other. This is the whole premise of good company in the garden or knows as Companion Planting. PLANT GUIDE BASIL:Plant with tomatoes to improve growth and flavour. Basil can be helpful in repelling thrips. It is said to repel flies and mosquitoes. Do not plant near rue. BEANS: All beans enrich the soil with nitrogen fixed form the air. In general they are good company for carrots, celery, chards, corn, eggplant, peas, potatoes, basics, beets, radish, strawberry and cucumbers. Great for heavy nitrogen users like corn. Keep beans away from the alliums. CORIANDER: Repels aphids, spider mites and potato beetle. A tea from this can be used as a spray for spider mites. A partner for anise. DILL: Improves growth and health of cabbage. Do not plant near carrots or caraway. Best friend for lettuce. Attracts hoverflies and predatory wasps. Repels aphids and spider mites to some degree. LAMIUM: This will repel potato bugs- a big problem for many gardeners! LAVENDER: Repels fleas and moths. Prolific flowering lavender nourishes many nectar feeding and beneficial insects. Use dried sprigs of lavender to repel moths. Start plants in winter from cuttings, setting out in spring. FRENCH MARIGOLD: has roots that exude a substance which spreads in their immediate vicinity killing nematodes. For nematode control you want to plant dense areas of them. There have been some studies done that proved this nematode killing effect lasted for several years after the plants were These marigolds also help to deter whiteflies when planted around tomatoes and can be used in greenhouses for the same purpose. Whiteflies hate the smell of marigolds. MINT: Deters white cabbage moths, ants, rodents, flea beetles, fleas, aphids and improves the health of cabbage and tomatoes. Use cuttings as mulch around members of the brassica family. It attracts hoverflies and predatory wasps. Earthworms are quite attracted to mint plantings. Be careful where you plant it as mint is an incredibly invasive perennial. We have found that placing mint (fresh or dried) where mice are a problem is very effective in driving them off! NASTURTIUMS: Plant as a barrier around tomatoes, radishes, cabbage, cucumbers, and under fruit trees. Deters woolly aphids, whiteflies, squash bug, cucumber beetles and other pests of the cucurbit family. Great trap crop for aphids (in particular the black aphids) which it does attract, especially the yellow flowering varieties PARSLEY: Plant among and sprinkle the leaves on tomatoes, and asparagus. Use as a tea to ward off asparagus beetles. Attracts hoverflies. Let some go to seed to attract the tiny parasitic wasps and hoverflies. Parsley increases the fragrance of roses when planted around their base. PETUNIAS: They repel the asparagus beetle, leafhoppers, certain aphids, tomato worms, Mexican bean beetles and general garden pests. A good companion to tomatoes, but plant everywhere. The leaves can be used in a tea to make a potent bug spray. ROSEMARY: Companion plant to cabbage, beans, carrots and sage. Deters cabbage moths, bean beetles, and carrot flies. Use cuttings to place by the crowns of carrots for carrot flies. RUE: Deters aphids, fish moths, flea beetle, onion maggot, slugs, snails, flies and Japanese beetles in roses and raspberries. Companions for rue are roses, fruits, raspberries and lavender. You should not plant rue near cucumbers, cabbage, basil or sage. SAGE: Use as a companion plant with broccoli, cauliflower, rosemary, cabbage, and carrots to deter cabbage moths, beetles, black flea beetles and carrot flies. Do not plant near cucumbers, onions or rue. SUNFLOWERS: Planting sunflowers with corn is said by some to increase the yield. Host to aphids, keeping them away from other plants in the garden. WHITE GERANIUMS: These members of the pelargonium family draw Japanese beetles to feast on the foliage which in turn kills them. WORMWOOD (Silver Mound): Keeps animals out of the garden when planted as a border. An excellent deterrent to most insects
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 00:47:17 +0000

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