Lets take a look at the front pages. The Guardian leads with - TopicsExpress


Lets take a look at the front pages. The Guardian leads with the continuing fallout over the autumn statement --saying George Osborne has been drawn into a confrontation with leading tax and spending experts after the Institute of Fiscal Studies warned of cuts on a colossal scale. The Mail says the Conservatives have criticised the BBCs coverage of the autumn statement. Thats also the main story in the Telegraph - which says the Tories have accused the corporation of bias and systematic exaggeration. The Independent says the public will have to go on a unprecedented personal borrowing binge of 360 billion pounds if Mr Osbornes deficit reduction plans are to add up. The i has the same story -- saying how the economic plan is reliant of a big rise in household debt to boost growth. The FT says Britain will have to spend more than a billion pounds more than previously thought in order to meet its foreign aid commitments, according to figures the paper says are buried in a forecast from the Office for Budget Responsibility which was released alongside the autumn statement. The Mirror reports on the arrest of Conservative MP Mark Pritchard on suspicion of rape. The British Museum has allowed part of the Elgin Marbles to leave London for the first time by lending a sculpture to a Russian museum, despite fears of a new Cold War between the Kremlin and the west -- thats in the Times. The Express reports on a pill which harnesses a chemical found in broccoli thats to be tested on British cancer patients. The Sun has the results of a poll its carried out on the public perception of Russell Brand. And the Star leads on the latest developments from the Im A Celebrity jungle.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 06:17:30 +0000

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