Lets try this another way. If I, Nojma Muhammad act in an - TopicsExpress


Lets try this another way. If I, Nojma Muhammad act in an irresponsible manner with my womb(which Ive admitted I have), then I, Nojma Muhammad will have to deal with the consequences. I know as Black Women we like to say we are holding down the community. ..well I had to hold down my children because I made a conscious choice to LIE down. I ultimately set my children up for a life that didnt include a relationship with a father because of who I chose. By choosing incorrectly, even though all the signs were in front of my face, I set my oldest daughter up to feel the exact pain I felt which is not having a healthy relationship with her father. By being irresponsible with MY womb I left my ONLY son to struggle with the transition from a child to a young man by himself for majority of his life. They didnt choose their fathers; I did and they have suffered because I wasnt responsible. Im not absolving the men I chose from their responsibility, but I am fully owning MY responsibility. I couldnt have gotten pregnant if I hadnt made the choice to let them inside my womb. Regardless of alternatives as it relates to contraceptives, his choice to decline(which I find hypocritical when women say men have a choice, ultimately we are saying that men should be strong in the face of temptation. ..when WE are the ones tempting them.. so basically men should be strong to offset our weakness), regardless if he should have guarded his seed, I left the gate to the garden open. I was a grown woman making grown woman decisions. I wouldnt have gotten pregnant if I hadnt offered my womb for conception. I can own those choices without deflecting to the men. I gave the green light for EVERYTHING. I cant get upset because they chose go. Thats an admission of personal accountability. I welcome and urge more of us to try it. #TheAgitator
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 17:33:28 +0000

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