Lewis Hamilton hopes the new Formula 1 season will see the end of - TopicsExpress


Lewis Hamilton hopes the new Formula 1 season will see the end of Red Bulls domination and be the most exciting year for some time. The Mercedes driver admitted he had tired of watching Sebastian Vettel keep winning for Red Bull. One team destroying it for four years, having your ass whupped so badly, is not good for the sport, he said. Red Bull give you wins Sebastian Vettel Reigning champion Sebastian Vettel has won 34 of the last 77 races for Red Bull - including the last nine in a row You want a championship that goes to the wire. I hope the changes enable that to happen this year. F1 is introducing its biggest rule changes for a generation this season, with new turbo hybrid engines, a fuel limit and a reduction in aerodynamic downforce. Hamilton, who heads into this weekends season-opening race in Australia as favourite, said in an exclusive BBC Sport interview: Ive been flying through all these different airports and bumping into someone from a different country and theyll say: I used to watch F1 but I dont watch it anymore. And Ill say: This is the year you need to watch because this is such a new year. So much is changing. So its really going to be the most exciting year for any fan who is currently watching or who wants to start watching. Mercedes have been the most impressive team in pre-season testing, completing the most miles, while Red Bull have had a torrid time with poor reliability and lacking performance from their Renault engine. “ I think Red Bull still have an amazing car. Hopefully well have a better engine than them, which will help a lot ” Lewis Hamilton Hamilton warned not to write Red Bull off, but added his voice to those predicting a revival for the once-great Williams team, who have struggled in recent years. Fundamentally, I think Red Bull still have an amazing car, he said. Hopefully well have a better engine than them, which will help a lot. Ferrari seem strong. They will undoubtedly be strong competitors. More surprising is people like Williams. Theyve now got our engine and they now have a competitive package and I think theyre going to be a real head-turner this year. Im really excited for them. And McLaren are back, so its going to be a great battle. Hamilton said he enters the season feeling better than ever before. Play media Lewis Hamilton set the pace on the final day of pre-season testing in Bahrain I feel I am the best prepared and Im equipped with the tools I need to be even better than I have been in the past, he said. The 2008 world champion added: Im secretively more fired up than ever. Every year after the winter tests, you get to the first race and people say, How do you feel? And you say, I feel the best Ive ever felt, the fittest Ive ever been, blah, blah, blah. Naturally you train through the winter to be in that place but you dont always have the package to show all that work. Every now and then you get a year where youre able to use it. Im hoping when we get to Australia it is that year and were able to show weve got the package to back it up with. I feel ready. I have strong opponents, but Im excited.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 22:14:39 +0000

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