Lightworker II: The development of life and consciousness on - TopicsExpress


Lightworker II: The development of life and consciousness on earth On earth, the evolution of life forms was closely intertwined with the inner development of the earth souls. Although no soul is bound to a particular planet, the earth souls could well be said to be the natives of your planet. This is because their growth and expansion roughly coincides with the proliferation of life forms on earth. When individual units of consciousness are born, they are somewhat similar to single physical cells as regards structure and possibility. Just like individual cells have a relatively simple structure, the inner movements of a newborn consciousness are transparent. Not much differentiation has set in yet. There is a world of possibilities at their feet, both physical and spiritual. The development from a newborn unit of consciousness to a type of consciousness that is self-reflective and able to observe and react to its environment may roughly be compared to the development of a single-celled organism to a complex living organism interacting with its environment in multiple ways. We are here comparing the development of soul consciousness with the biological development of life and we do so not just by way of metaphor. In fact the biological development of life as it took place on earth should be seen against the background of a spiritual need for exploration and experience on the part of the earth souls. This need or desire for exploration called into being the rich variety of life forms on earth. As we said, creation is always the result of an inner movement of consciousness. Although the evolution theory, as presently embraced by your science, correctly describes the development of life forms on your planet to some extent, it completely misses the inner drive, the “hidden” motive behind this deeply creative process. The proliferation of life forms on earth was due to inner movements on the soul level. As always, spirit precedes and creates matter. At first, earth souls incarnated in physical forms which best fitted their still rudimentary sense of self: single-celled organisms. After a period of gaining experience and integrating this within their consciousness, the need arose for more complex means of physical expression. That is how more complex life forms were propelled into being. Consciousness created physical forms to answer the inner needs and desires of the earth souls whose collective consciousness primarily inhabited the earth. The formation of new species and the incarnation of earth souls into individual members of those species represent a great experiment of life and consciousness. Although evolution is consciousness-driven, not driven by accident or incident, it does not follow a predetermined line of development. This is because consciousness itself is free and unpredictable. The earth souls experimented with all kinds of animal life forms. They inhabited several types of physical bodies in the animal kingdom but they did not all experience the same line of development. The soul’s path of development is much more fanciful and adventurous than you assume. There are no laws above or outside of you. You are the law for you. So for instance, if you desire to experience life from the standpoint of a monkey, you may at some point in time find yourself living in a monkey’s body, from birth onward or as a temporary visitor. The soul, especially the young soul, craves experience and expression. This urge to explore accounts for the diversity of life forms that flourished on earth. Within this great experiment of life, the rise of the human life form marked the beginning of an important stage within the development of soul consciousness on earth. Before explaining this in greater detail, we will first discuss the stages of inner soul development in general.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 14:52:31 +0000

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