Like a few similar pages out there, the purpose of the ODAK group - TopicsExpress


Like a few similar pages out there, the purpose of the ODAK group page is to discuss issues about our beloved country and to “market” Andrew Keili as a potential flag bearer for the Sierra Leone Peoples Party. Whether you support Andrew Keili or not in his presidential ambitions, you’ll find the postings on this page interesting. Feel free therefore to join in the discussions whenever you can. More than fifty years after independence, there’s not much our country could brag about. Life expectancy is at a pitiful low, our infrastructure is in ruins, unemployment is at an all time high, corruption is rife, and we are still stuck at the bottom of the Human Development Index. The blame as always is right at the doorsteps of our leaders. In a few years the Sierra Leone Peoples Party will pick a flag bearer and presidential candidate. That flag bearer, hoping he becomes the president, will have the opportunity to chart a new path for our country. Currently, there are many Sierra Leoneans out there claiming to have what it takes to take on this task. But we the members of ODAK in Africa, Europe, North America and Australia believe that the only Sierra Leonean currently best suited to take on this challenge is Andrew Keili. And here is why: 1). Andrew is vastly experienced. His blend of public and private sector experience stands out and is in sharp contrast to his potential competitors. We believe that Andrew is the only candidate out there with the proven leadership ability to make a meaningful difference in our country. 2). Andrew knows and understands the issues. On education, on healthcare, on unemployment, on crime and corruption, or on the myriad of other issues we grapple with daily in Sierra Leone you can count on Andrew’s brilliance and understanding to tackle them. In part he knows and understands these issues because he has lived in the country long enough to see for himself or experience what our country is going through. 3). Andrew is honest, trustworthy, caring and compassionate, and all of these character traits are deeply rooted in his upbringing as the son of a priest. 4). Andrew has a far better chance to win the presidency than any of his competitors. He has a broad appeal and he is well entrenched in Freetown, which many are saying will be the deciding factor in the 2018 elections. Andrew is a huge asset to the SLPP and he has the potential to tip the scale in the SLPP’s favour in the strategic region of the West. 5). Andrew has had an unquestionable commitment to the SLPP. He is not a newcomer to the party. He has been with the party throughout and has always been proud to be one of the party’s patrons. He can unify the party, attract new members and strengthen it for the future. All in all, an Andrew Keili presidency is good for our country and also good for the SLPP.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 13:11:11 +0000

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