Lilys big sister, Jasmine , helped her with the spelling of her - TopicsExpress


Lilys big sister, Jasmine , helped her with the spelling of her final Christmas wish list. Shes still asking for a full on farm, a pig for home, a chihuahua and a hot tub. She has also put things on her list for other kids- babies who she says Santa may not be able to understand and I KNOW what they need, momma!! Thats how Lily rolls. Her heart is *so* big. There are no existing coupons at Toys r us ( now open 24 hours which is *crazy*)for the above big items. May need to play some nj monopoly lottery tomorrow ;) Lily has school and her holiday party on Tuesday so we changed up her labs so she could go. Its been peaceful( not quiet) on the home front. Lily has cards she is working on and I found organic ninja ginjas she can make and test out for Santa. If you dont know this already, please let us here at #teamlilylarue acknowledge your compassion and amazing light you shine our way every day. This world be be a lesser place without you in our lives. *thank* you. Now... Who has a farm we can borrow? Lol ;)
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 07:18:39 +0000

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