Limits. We will find them everywhere we look both in competition - TopicsExpress


Limits. We will find them everywhere we look both in competition and in life. You will have limits placed upon you both internally and externally. They will come via friends, family, enemies, competitors or even worse, YOU. There is no way around it. You will doubt yourself many times in life. You will question if you should be there. If you should be competing. Are you ready? Are you prepared? Are you too old? Are you too inexperienced? It is human nature to doubt one’s self before embarking on any challenging adventure. A true champion, not to be confused by someone who takes 1st place, an actual true champion is someone who deflects all the detours and obstacles thrown his or her way on the path to greatness. A true champion quiets doubters and wakes up those that sleep on him. It’s raining? Too bad, a champion trains. A tornado tore down your gym and there is nowhere to train? Too bad, find a gym somewhere else. A true champion has a “no excuses, find a way attitude”. When his competition is training for 10 weeks, he’s training 11. When his competition takes a break, he keeps moving. He is disciplined, focused and determined. Prioritized and scheduled. He has “tunnel vision”, total belief in his abilities and the vision of his success. He sees his opponents as just another obstacle. And he wont stop…a champion doesn’t stop at obstacle, he runs them over. Remember how I said, “you will doubt yourself, it’s human nature”. And now im saying “champions how full confidence and belief in their abilities”? You read that correctly. A true champion, although human in physical form, is mentally superior to 99% of people around him. I’m not saying intellect (although that could be the case), im talking about mental strength, ability focus and believe, visualize, discipline and dedication, perseverance and persistence. A champion does not see the world around because to him, there is no world. It’s the task at hand. Mentally, a champion transcends the limitations of the human mind. He sets no limits for himself and he eradicates the limits others TRY to put on him. This passage goes out to my friend and trainer Robert Samborsky, he is fighting this Saturday in his first Muay Thai fight. Now, the teacher becomes the student. You are not too old. You are not unprepared. You are not inexperienced. You are not hurt. You have no limits, no restrictions. You are strong willed and focused. You are ready. GOOD LUCK
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 16:21:42 +0000

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