Liverpool FC owner John W Henry speaks about the Suarez saga - TopicsExpress


Liverpool FC owner John W Henry speaks about the Suarez saga : “I think that Brendan spoke on behalf of the club and said it well - so I don’t think there’s anything I would want to add to what he said.' “We are not going to sell Luis. He is one of the best players in the world. I have no reason to believe that he won’t continue to be.' “The club is headed in the right direction and this episode is not going to stop us. It is what we are all focused on right now. I have high expectations. We had a very good second half last year and the reports from training and the feeling within the club and among the players….. I think we’ll surprise people this year.” “I think for all of the top clubs it’s extremely important. Especially for Liverpool, since we have not been in Europe and are not in Europe this year – and we haven’t been in the Champions League for a while – obviously to sell Luis to a rival for one of those positions would be ludicrous." “I have told Ivan Gazidis that Luis is not for sale. I am unequivocal on that.” Asked if he would stick to his guns even if an increased bid comes in from the Emirates, he said: “Yes. But that doesn’t seem to slow them down - so I can’t wait to see what the next one is. It’s been resolved - we have said no.” “It would be between the manager and the player. The manager is upset - as he should be. I think our fans are upset. I know Luis is upset. You know, that is going to be between the manager and the player and his team mates.” “We do not have time – we have not been able to identify a suitable replacement. Luis Suarez is a Liverpool player come what may. We need Luis. So hopefully this will pass.' “It is football. It’s not finances, it is football. That’s why I said at this point, this late in the window, everyone has already moved and we haven’t identified anyone who hasn’t already moved – or isn’t moving – to replace him." “So it’s for football reasons and especially not to Arsenal. I think we made that clear early on. This wouldn’t happen in baseball. And it should not happen in football." “If you look at the full context of what has happened here it’s jarring, I think, to all of our supporters because the club stood by him so strongly at a time where you could question if the club should have stood by him. And yet they did. The manager and his team mates were solidly behind him.' About Arsenal knowing the £40m contract clause : “It should have been a confidential figure. How does a club who doesn’t have permission to speak with your player see his contract? “Unfortunately it’s the way it works in football. People don’t speak about that publicly but that’s just the way it is. It’s rotten but it’s the way things are done in football. I don’t think there is any point reporting it – it just seems to happen everywhere. “I think Mr Taylor (PFA chairman Gordon Taylor) is absolutely right when he says it’s not good for either side. It’s not good for football. And maybe the PFA can do something about this.”
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 07:15:52 +0000

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