Long before the medical break-through and technology of heart - TopicsExpress


Long before the medical break-through and technology of heart transplants, there was another physician carrying out such work daily. In fact, hundreds of years prior to the N/T, we find these words spoken through the prophet Ezekiel. A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you; and I will give you an heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26 At the time this promise was given the glorious history of the nation of Israel (which began around 1500 BC with Moses) was now coming to a very inglorious end around the year 600 BC. The nation of Israel was now in captivity in Babylon. Israel had long left their God and began worshiping idols and other false gods just like their surrounding nations. In the midst of this great catastrophe, God issued another promise by the mouth of Ezekiel. This promise was not a promise to increase the size of their lands. It was not a promise to increase the size of their flocks. It was not a promise of victory in battles, nor was it a promise of a long and fruitful life. All of these things God had already promised to Israel if only they would obey him. But Israel utterly failed along the way. From Egypt to Canaan they traveled a road of sin and rebellion and they forfeited those earthly blessings that would have been theirs by obedience. From the Red Sea to the Dead Sea they failed. From beginning to end they failed because they had stony hearts. A stony heart cannot bow down in obedience to God. No matter the consequences, a stony heart cannot submit. At the end of the journey and Israel’s endless failures, after it was proven that the sinful heart of man would never lay down in restful obedience to God, He made a new promise. A promise to change hearts. This wonderful and amazing promise is at the core of the new covenant, and is referred to in Hebrews 8. This promise was not like the former promises under the Old Mosaic Covenant which were CONDITIONAL promises. This promise is the great promise of salvation. Without it, there can be no change, without it we cannot know God, nor access Heaven as our eternal home. Without it (in the words of Paul) we are indeed men most miserable and without hope. Jesus said it best to Nicodemus: Ye must be born again. Where does this new birth begin? a new heart will I give you, and a new Spirit will I put within you. Thanks be unto the Master Physician of whom alone can perform such a heart transplant. If you KNOW for certain youve had this transplant: click like today and share this with someone youre praying for.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 11:49:42 +0000

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