Look Up… “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from - TopicsExpress


Look Up… “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.” ~Psalm 121:1~ Do you ever remember someone telling you to watch where you are going? Don’t always LOOK down when you are walking, you better LOOK Up… Have you ever felt down to the point you wanted to give up, but someone told you to LOOK Up? Take that advice and just LOOK Up… Things will work out soon. GOD will never put no more on you than you can bear… Remember: Just LOOK Up… There are always two sides, the good and the bad, the dark and the light, the sad and the glad… But in LOOKING back over the good and the bad; we’re aware of the number of good things we’ve had. And in counting our blessings we find when we’re through, we have no reason at all to complain or be blue… LOOK Up… So thank GOD for the good things He has already done, and be grateful to Him for the battles we’ve won, and know that the same GOD who helped us before, is ready and willing to help us once more. Then, with faith in our heart reach out for GOD’S hand, and accept what He sends, though we don’t understand. For our Father in Heaven always knows what is best for us, and if we trust in His wisdom our life will be blessed. Always remember that whatever happens to us, we are never alone for GOD is with us. Remember: Just LOOK Up… The psalmist in our text found the hills to be a place of refuge, safety, strength and his joy. High above the hills, he could view the country side and keep an eye on the flock of sheep. Often he burst forth in song at the majestic sights. It was at these moments that David felt close to GOD. We all need mountains in our lives; mountains that elevate the soul; times of refreshing and sensing the presence of the LORD in a mighty way. These experiences should not be rear but a constant barometer in our lives. Mountains and hills also mean effort. They must be sought out and climbed. Such experiences make trials and troubles seem so small. Remember: Just LOOK Up… GOD knows our every weakness, every failure in life, and still He wants to use us. He knows how grouchy we can be in the mornings, the things we utter while fighting traffic, our lack of patience...He knows the fears we harbor and every dumb thing we have ever done. Yet, in spite of all of these things He says to us “take up your cross and follow me!” Remember: Just LOOK Up… GOD protects us from our circumstances not only because He is aware, but also because He is always present. GOD is our shadow. Our shadow follows us every moment of the day. There is virtually nowhere to go to escape it. In fact, the only way to hide it from view is to escape the light of day and to retreat to the darkness. When you are walking in the light, the shadow is clearly seen, walking with you, wherever you go. GOD has promised us “Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world.” If GOD is there, there is nothing in our circumstances that should cause us to fear, for He is LORD over them. Remember: Just LOOK Up… Those who continually LOOK Up to the hills from whence cometh their help, will never give ground to the arch-enemies of faith - discouragement, depression, and despair. No matter how great the ordeal or how dark the prospect, a quick uplift of the eyes and heart to Almighty GOD will instantly alter our situation and chase the storm-clouds away. He will turn our darkness into day our midnight will become sunrise, as we exercise our faith in Him and, joy will come in the morning. Remember: Just LOOK Up… If GOD has promised to protect His children, then we need not fear the dangers this life presents. GOD’S protective work in our lives will flow from our relationship with CHRIST. We can trust GOD to keep us from falling for He sent His Son to walk this earth and He did so without ever falling into the trap of sin. We can trust GOD to shelter us from our circumstances for we follow a Savior who walked upon the water and calmed the most violent of storms. He controls our circumstances as well. We can trust GOD to defend us from evil because our LORD suffered at the hands of evil. He suffered even to the point of death upon the cross. Yet, He arose again. If we are to successfully complete the journey which we are traveling, we too must trust GOD to keep us from falling, shelter us from circumstances, and defend us against evil. Remember: Just LOOK Up… We want to let GOD be our guide, yet we are afraid of the dangers the path may pose. GOD is right there, as close as the mention of His name, and He wants us to know that if we’ll place our trust in Him right now, He’ll keep us, shelter us, and defend us. Give Him our hand, give Him the reigns of our heart right now. Remember: Just LOOK Up… Do not carry a load of burdens from yesterday… Just LOOK Up… Do not carry a load of burdens from today… Just LOOK Up… Do not carry a load of burdens destined for tomorrow… Just LOOK Up… Remember: Just LOOK Up… Be Encouraged and Don’t Give Up… Rev. O. W. Woodard #FBIMinistries 23 August 2014
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 12:18:44 +0000

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