Looking forward to our next PZ in San Francisco, October 10-12, - TopicsExpress


Looking forward to our next PZ in San Francisco, October 10-12, 2014. Themes are : Educating for Global Competence: How do learners demonstrate global competence? How do educators ensure that learners in their charge explore complex issues of global significance through multiple perspectives? Encouraging Creativity and “Maker Thinking” in Children: What can we learn from the practices of teachers in the arts and in the maker movement? How might we encourage creativity and DIY habits of mind that are relevant to all disciplines? Growing Up in the Digital Age: What are the civic, moral and ethical opportunities and challenges afforded by the digital age? How are the meanings of local and global citizenship and civic action shifting? What are the implications for civic education? Making Learning and Thinking Visible: How can visible representations of thinking and learning be used as a force for student learning? How do we document and assess student and teacher learning in order to further our own learning? How do we help learners develop dispositions that support thoughtful learning across school subjects? Educators from all grade levels and subjects, especially from early childhood, elementary, middle and high schools, are encouraged to attend, as are educators from all types of schools and organizations.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 17:27:29 +0000

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