Looks to me more like Facebook is just covering their OWN assets, - TopicsExpress


Looks to me more like Facebook is just covering their OWN assets, and they should shut down habitual offenders, but this seems like an overreach- ¿150 pages all just happen to be habitual offenders? Counterpoint, though, is this very page; There can be NO more supportive a group than this (if you discount the zombies). Think about it- My only stated purpose was to make it illegal to NOT be armed. Ive even expanded the issue into nationalized Stand Your Ground and Concealed Carry permits, in order to utterly destroy attempts by CA, NY, and DC to prevent the people from being able to defend themselves. Ive advocated mandatory gun-safety courses in schools, including removing typing class from high school freshman curriculum to make room. Ive even stated the NRAs child gun safety course is a joke. Ive more than once condemned 20/20s experiment in armed students in schools as pure propaganda disguised as journalism, and only barely at that (¿did I remember to accuse them of taping a rocket motor to the test subjects, or something like that? I hope I did, it was a great line in my head). Ive given endless example of guns used in self-defense appropriately, to the point it bores even me. I admit I relished using three cases involving Kroger Stores as perfect examples of why we should be armed (only one of the cases had actual self-defense)... Not a peep out of Facebook that Im AWARE of. No requests to add anything to the about section (though I have said outside of that this is not a sales-related page, and I mean it, Ray-Ban or Uzis, it will be deleted without appology). My surmisation; Facebooks way left of center orientation (to call it centrist or even moderate left couldnt be called a lie, itd have to be called a joke, and one in VERY poor taste, as no one could conceivably be stupid enough to beleive it) notwithstanding, they DO know where the line into actual censorship begins, and are keeping off that territory- A wise BUSINESS move in their case, as membership (and readership) is the ONLY product/service they offer. Alienating an entire category of people without a DAMNED good reason would begin an exodus into the NEXT big social network, undereminig profits and potentially causing a final shut down. That may be a cynical view- But it is a realistic one.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 08:45:55 +0000

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