Lord, I thank you for the constant reminder of all that you went - TopicsExpress


Lord, I thank you for the constant reminder of all that you went through, I dont ever want to forget. Why? Because anything I could possibly go through couldnt come close to what you went through. You werent popular, some even despised you enough to take your life. Talk about betrayal, some even denied that they knew you. So as I go about my journey, when things get rough and I think its unbearable, I just think of you and I know I can get through anything. You are watching over me and I trust you implicitly! All You Did For Us Thank You Jesus for dying on the cross for me. Thank you for loving me so much, sometimes I forget You see. I get so preoccupied with what is going on with my own needs, that I forget the pain and suffering you did, indeed. No matter what is going on, in my life, I could never come close; to what You went through for the people you love most. Its sad that only once a year we remember all You did for us. Because after the celebration most of us go back to life the way it was. I dont want to forget, I want to remember all of this. Continue to remind me, each time I complain of how unfair life is.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 19:54:33 +0000

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