Lord, give us faith that right makes might. Abraham Lincoln Given - TopicsExpress


Lord, give us faith that right makes might. Abraham Lincoln Given the events of our past, from President Lincoln’s time to our own, in fact since the dawn of humanity, man has confused the idea of might and right. Tyrants, kings, and fanatics have thought that because they had physical power that they could decide what was right and that they could make the world in their own image. They, like all of mankind, eventually find out that their standards are temporary and only God’s purposes are permanent. It is He who makes right and has the power to see that it is done. It is also God who sees to it that right does indeed make us powerful in the Lord and to accomplish what He calls upon us to do. Psalms 62:11: God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power belongeth unto God.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 09:00:00 +0000

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