Lots of rumors going round about me this week. Havent had this - TopicsExpress


Lots of rumors going round about me this week. Havent had this much attention since I drowned a couple years ago. So, heres the scoop, to date. A week ago this past Thursday fell asleep on the couch and woke up a little wobbly. Didnt think anything of it, but Friday am still a little wobbly. Did my best to ignore it but by afternoon, after the snowstorm had hit of course, I decided I should probably take a trip to the emergency room. Many hours later and much poking with needles and a CT scan to boot, I was told I had had a TIA. Left leg gimpy, a little numb in my left cheek and earlier that day my left hand seemed pretty clumsy on the keyboard. Blood pressure had spiked to Mt Vesuvius proportions. Released that night and given some meds to slow the heart way down and lower the blood pressure, which I learned later was the bodys way of declaring an emergency and attempting to get extra blood to the brain. Next morning had an ultra sound on the carotid arteries which showed no significant blockage. CT scan good and all blood work good, although they didnt check for cholesterol. Monday the doc told me I could go without the meds and did an EKG which was good. Ironically I had been dealing with frozen (plugged) water and drain pipes through the weekend. Got them open. Sent me to GFK on Thursday for an Echo Cardiogram. No results yet, but the tech never said oh my god, once. I watched it on the screen and except for being awe struck watching my heart valves opening and closing in such a well coordinated manner, nothing made me think, oh boy, that looks scary. My eye being the untrained eye, I guess well have to wait and see what comes of it. They did another blood test Thursday as well, this one for cholesterol.... Im expecting a severe reprimand on that one. There are a couple other syndromes that were mentioned that could be the culprit, but of now, kind of cryptic. Im taking it as a divine reminder that just because Ive got that tough old Jorde gene, doesnt mean I dont have to take care of it. PS: good week for submitting things to the paper.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 04:30:17 +0000

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