Lt. Col. ADEBAYO OBASANJO- AN UNEQUAL SYSTEM The Boko Haram - TopicsExpress


Lt. Col. ADEBAYO OBASANJO- AN UNEQUAL SYSTEM The Boko Haram carnage that have greeted some of the North-Eastern states of Nigeria have made thousands homeless, children- orphans, Millitary intelligence- Baffled, and the Sovereignity of the Nigerian Nation threatened. The rage that accompanied the abduction of the CHIBOK GIRLS is at most, a footnote in light of the present state of the security issues. These national mishaps have become a norm and have numbed our human sympathy in reaction to death... To us now, hundreds must DIE either as Civilians, Soldiers or Insurgents. Yes! People must die- Soldiers inclusive... And they are regarded as EXPENDABLES. They signed in for it. Thats their oath. In view of this, the media greeted Nigerians with a caption that triggered the outburst of most Nigerians... Lt Col ADEBAYO OBASANJO, SON OF FORMER PRESIDENT OBASANJO, INJURED IN BATTLE... For crying out loud, why was he mentioned? Is he better than the thousands of Soldiers killed at the onset of this insurgency? Why the undue recognition? Oh! I guess its because his father was the former president! He wasnt even killed, merely injured.... The rantings continue. Yes, its logically right to ask these questions- and they demand answers. Systematically, these answers isnt what we would love to hear... We live in a world system where according to Napoleon of the animal farm ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL, BUT SOME ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS. Its a bitter pill to swallow when you realise you arent among the MORE EQUAL clique. What then do you do about it? Deal with it! Thats the system. We did create it! You and I! The education system tags us as 1st Class, 2nd Class Upper and lower, Third Class etc... Hence the man who is a class below yours is inferior to your intellectual stand. We created it! The Man of God prides himself in his spirituality and flows with other Men of God, while the flock is put at bay... Maybe ive forgotten. Theres even a higher clique- Senior Pastors and Junior Psts. Your anointing doesnt matter now to them... Remain with your class- we are all Pastors though, but WE are SENIORS! Our system have so much classified us that we feel nothing when Nigeria our nation is abused, but rage with anger when our tribe is insulted. Thats the strange system. At the end, what makes you MORE EQUAL in an UNEQUAL system are achievements accorded to your name.... Being angry doesnt change the system, but changing yourself changes your STATUS. #SUCCEED. PA.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 12:46:17 +0000

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