Luke 21:25 NKJV “And there will be signs in the sun, in the - TopicsExpress


Luke 21:25 NKJV “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; *** How can these things NOT be seen as the beginning of the end? We live in a sin cursed world, greatly influenced by satan who is the father of lies as Jesus Himself said. That being said, satans strategy is an old one and thats to cast doubt over Gods Word, to blind people from seeing and hearing the Absolute Truth. Satan attacks mankind through the mind, casting a deep fog of deception; all man sees is what is in the natural world. Mankind is quick to use his natural God given abilities to make decisions on spiritual matters, when they are disconnected from God. This is WHY God sent Jesus to make it POSSIBLE to reconnect with God on a Spiritual level, nothing to do with religion or philosophies. Jesus is HIGHLY EXALTED above ALL by God Himself. When a person surrenders their life to Christ, Gods Spirit comes into their life. The very fact a person allows their lives to surrender to Christ, is because the Holy Spirit has illuminated and opened the eyes of their heart (the very core of who they are), to see and hear the Truth about God. They are willing to accept Gods free gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ. Getting back to this verse, Jesus (Who is God and Creator of everything), spoke these words. Are not these things happening with greater frequency than ever before in world history? And Gods Children see and know its True because these are all happening. And to those who respond in the natural, its not a big deal... One day soon, they will see how they missed the GREATEST DEAL they rejected, and then it will be too late. I pray that people will be saved and have their eyes opened to the ABSOLUTE TRUTH to see whats really happening in this world. Its MUCH GREATER than religion or philosophies. Those are used to blind mankind from the REAL TRUTH...
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 17:58:22 +0000

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