MALVERSATION OF PUBLIC FUNDS OR PROPERTY Art. 217. Malversation of public funds or property – Presumption of malversation. – Any public officer who, by reason of the duties of his office, is accountable for public funds or property, shall appropriate the same, or shall take or misappropriate or shall consent, or through abandonment or negligence, shall permit any other person to take such public funds or property, wholly or partially, or shall otherwise be guilty of the misappropriation or malversation of such funds or property, shall suffer: 1) The penalty of prision correccional in its medium and maximum periods, if the amount involved in the misappropriation or malversation does not exceed two hundred pesos. 2) The penalty of prision mayor in its minimum and medium periods, if the amount involved is more than 200 pesos but does not exceed 6,000 pesos. 3) The penalty of prision mayor in its maximum period to reclusion temporal in its minimum period, if the amount involved is more than 6,000 pesos but is less than 12,000 pesos. 4) The penalty of reclusion temporal in its medium and maximum periods, if the amount involved is more than 12,000 pesos but is less than 22,000 pesos. If the amount exceeds the latter, the penalty shall be reclusion temporal in its maximum period to reclusion perpetua. In all cases, persons guilty of malversation shall also suffer the penalty of perpetual special disqualification and a fine equal to the amount of the funds malversed or equal to the total value of the property embezzled. The failure of a public officer to have duly forthcoming any public funds or property with which he is chargeable, upon demand by any duly authorized officer shall be prima facie evidence that he has put such missing funds of property to personal uses. (As amended by RA 1060 approved June 12, 1954.) Art. 218. Failure of accountable officer to render accounts. – Any public officer, whether in the service or separated therefrom by resignation or any other cause, who is required by law or regulation to render account to the Insular Auditor, or to a provincial auditor and who fails to do so for a period of two months after such accounts should be rendered, shall be punished by prison correctional in its minimum period, or by a fine ranging from 200 to 6,000 pesos, or both. Art. 219. Failure of a responsible public officer to render accounts before leaving the country. – Any public officer who unlawfully leaves or attempts to leave the Philippine Islands without securing a certificate from the Insular Auditor showing that his accounts have been finally settled, shall be punished by arresto mayor, or a fine ranging from 200 to 1,000 pesos or both. Art. 220. Illegal use of public funds or property. – Any public officer who shall apply any public fund or property under his administration to any public use other than that for which such fund or property were appropriated by law or ordinance shall suffer the penalty of prison correctional in its minimum period or a fine ranging from one-half to the total value of the sum misapplied, if by reason of such misapplication, any damage or embarrassment shall have resulted to the public service. In either case, the offender shall also suffer the penalty of temporary special disqualification. If no damage or embarrassment to the public service resulted, the penalty shall be a fine from 5 to 50 percent of the sum misapplied. Art. 221. Failure to make delivery of public funds or property. – Any public officer under obligation to make payment from Government funds in his possession, who shall fail to make such payment, shall be punished by arresto mayor and a fine from 5 to 25 percent of the sum which he failed to pay. This provision shall apply to any public officer who, being ordered by competent authority to deliver any property in his custody or under his administration shall refuse to make such delivery. The fine shall be graduated in such case by the value of the thing, provided that it shall not be less than 50 pesos. Art. 222. Officers included in the preceding provisions. – The provisions of this chapter shall apply to private individuals who, in any capacity whatever, have charge of any insular (now national), provincial or municipal funds, revenues or property and to any administrator or depository of funds or property attached, seized or deposited by public authority, even if such property belongs to a private individual. Leave a comment INTIMIDATION June 6, 2013Uncategorized “Loyalty is gain through hard work and perseverance but is gained faster through intimidation.” – The Godfather The Quizon family is using this kind of manipulation to the IBMA Missionaries because they have hold on their bread and butter (support). Who is not afraid to lose their support? Once the missionaries object and fight the Quizon, is like hitting the wall and will just get hurt themselves. Manny Quizon is a very dominant person, so are his children Sally, John and Ruth and son-in-laws Elmer and Arvin. Who are we in their sight? We are just like lice to them that they can easily crush. They think that they are gods/ lords and the missionaries are like slave to them. They don’t have respect on the same authority as being servant of God. Their is much accountability in their part because “much given is also much the accountability.” And we are not exempted. The Quizon family is building a kingdom through Independent Baptist Mission for Asians. They are the owner of IBMA Compound, Tarlac Christian College and the Isle of Patmos and others. Until now they are not facilitating the copy of the accounts concerning the Monthly Support, Project Nehemiah and the Project money of the missionaries. They are safe because they are not issuing receipts of support, project Nehemiah and the project money. No wonder they are bad grass because they hard to be rooted out. The recent meeting was great because it was more spiritual and positive but the sad thing is they were doing it to cover their anomalies. How long will they continue to be like this? They are damn, “for whatsoever you sow you will reap.” This is the thing, the more it will not be answered correctly, the more we are obsessed to resist them. It will spread to the internet and the American supporters will eventually surprise to know it. And believe us, it is already happening. What will you do? We believe that you are just waiting for the collapse of IBMA. Why not save your ministry and other missionaries? Your hard labor will just comes to nothing like Gabino Tica. Think about this. This is a warning! Their will be a massive act to spread the news about your being an opportunist. INTIMIDATION!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 05:03:07 +0000

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