MARXISM-NKRUMAISM: DR. KWAME NKRUMAH’S APPLICATION OF MARXISM TO AFRICA SERIES III ON THE APPLICATION OF CONSCIENCISM IN GHANA AND AFRICA By S.G. IKOKU Foreword by Lang T. K. A. Nubuor S. G. Ikoku, a Nigerian Pan-Africanist and a former lecturer at the Kwame Nkrumah Ideological Institute, states at the launching of Consciencism at the University of Ghana that ‘Basing itself squarely on dialectical materialism and on its moral and social theory, outlined above, Consciencism has evolved a political theory of its own.’ In our previous series we explain that Dialectical Materialism is the philosophy of Marxism applied by Dr. Kwame Nkrumah in his construction of Consciencism. The citation above is one more confirmation of Consciencism being founded on Marxism. Once again, we state that any successful disproof of Dialectical Materialism also destroys Consciencism automatically. Some uninformed persons (hiding under nicknames) make every effort to remove this Marxist philosophical foundation from underneath Consciencism. Interestingly, where they find themselves nailed to the wall they make a claim that dialectical materialism or “dialectics”, for short, should not be attributed to Marxism (Karl Marx) but to African sources in the person of Ibn Khaldun. In particular, they refer to Ibn Khaldun’s book The Muqaddimah. Our study of the book, however, shows that it does not have anything whatsoever to do with dialectical materialism. And even more devastatingly, it has nothing to do with dialectics as conceived in the formulation of Marxism’s Dialectical Materialism. In that book, it only means dialogue as opposed to its usage as the play of contradictions in human history and nature. Those uninformed persons, in their anxiety to make of Consciencism a pure African construction, wonder why it should be given a European origination in order to prove acceptable to the neo-colonized African mind. This disregard for the universality of knowledge and its concrete manifestations as particularities in different national or social milieus can be said to be the child of philosophical innocence if not a racist aberration. No wonder that from such innocent circles we now hear a reference to ‘puritanical Nkrumaists’. Such jaundiced Nkrumaism bleaches out of that ideological system its Marxist premises. It bleeds it white and renders it meaningless. In spite of this frantic fruitless attempt by these innocents to de-Europeanize Consciencism, which is surely an African particularization of a universal philosophy, European sources like Albert Einstein and his General Theory of Relativity are employed correctly and gbeyeciously to authenticate premises of Consciencism’s categorial conversion, though amateurishly. What kind of puritanism is this version of Nkrumaism?* Certainly, Consciencism has a need to fight for its survival against such inconsistent puritanism being introduced into its abdomen by infiltrators destined on an impossible paralyzing journey against the philosophy and ideology of the African Revolution – Marxism-Nkrumaism. In this respect, S. G. Ikoku cannot say it better when in the following speech extract he states that: With the launching of Consciencism, Ghana has become the nursery of a new school of thought in modern philosophy. The new philosophy has to be carefully tended. But, and this is important, this new philosophy must be exposed to the rigours of the elements. No plant ever grows robust and hardy if tended in hot houses. Consciencism must get out into the streets and the villages; it must go among the people and attain maturity by fighting for its very existence among hostile and rival ideas. *Marxism-Nkrumaism was recently declared dead by these puritanical Nkrumaists born in the conditions of racial and racist oppression in the United States of America (USA). In spite of Dr. Nkrumah’s insistence on appreciation of racism and racial oppression from a class but not a racist perspective, as outlined in his pamphlet The Spectre of Black Power, the said puritanical Nkrumaists insist on the reverse. Such revisionism! For sure, the fight for the survival of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s ideological and philosophical thought system as an application of Marxism (also referred to inadequately but understandably as scientific socialism) starts on the day of the launching of Consciencism: Philosophy and Ideology for De-colonisation. S. G. Ikoku gives us the light in this regard with his immortal speech On the Application of Consciencism in Ghana and Africa in 1964. We reproduce that speech here at the following site in a PDF format: consciencism.wordpress/organise/marxism-nkrumaism-dr-kwame-nkrumahs-application-of-marxism-to-africa-series-iii/ to lay bare an authentic voice of the thought and practice of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah – Marxism-Nkrumaism.* *Footnote: In a recent outburst on Facebook timelines, Marxism-Nkrumaism is not only declared dead but our reference to it in June Milne’s report (in the form of notes) at p. 196 of her book as Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s usage is also declared ‘a lie’. In that report on pp. 195-196, June Milne informs us on what transpires in some discussion she had with Dr. Nkrumah on Nkrumaism but not how she categorizes his thought and practice. Effectively, she reports Dr. Nkrumah to have referred to his thought and practice as ‘Marxism-Nkrumaism’ and as different from Marxism-Leninism. Only a veritably jaundiced reading of Milne’s notes on that discussion can render it as an exposition of an alien coinage being imposed by ‘a white’ lady to direct the African Revolution. June Milne works as Dr. Nkrumah’s own appointed literary executrix before and after the 1966 coup d’état. The English language used on those pages and other boxed pages should not normally present special difficulties in comprehension unless one chooses to teach us how to misunderstand sentences written in English.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 17:17:29 +0000

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