MATTHEW 10:28 & RESURRECTION OF RIGHTEOUS + WICKED | Said The LORD: The carnal minded want that genitals everyday, they can have it foreveryday RAP [Rapture] [Crop] CIRCLES MESSAGES | OUR [ЯR] FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN ... YOUR KINGDOM COME, YOUR WILL BE DONE. AMEN & Amen. (1065.6) 97:4.3 POINTING A REPROVING AND ACCUSING FINGER TO ALL THE HATERS https://youtube/watch?v=HFT7ATLQQx8 Malachi 4:1 Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and the day that is coming will set them on fire, says the LORD Almighty. Not a root or a branch will be left to them. https://youtube/watch?v=hAz4o3cN5_w | https://youtube/watch?v=7YrNgmjSurU Surat Al-BaqaRah (The Cow, The BULL of Heaven) 2:9 They [think to] deceive Allah {Al-Hayy, The LIVING, Al-YyaH, The Yah, The Я } and those who believe, but they deceive not except themselves and perceive [it] not. | 2:15 [But] Allah Mocks them and prolongs them in their transgression [while] they wander blindly. Deuteronomy 5:11 You shall not misuse The Name of The LORD your GOD, for The LORD will not hold anyone guiltless [unpunished] who misuses His Name. https://youtube/watch?v=EKh_U2NnIs8 | [Noble Quran 15:9] Verily, I revealed the Dhikr (QRN,The Reminder) and verily I will preserve it. https://youtube/watch?v=nKuSnFcufkE (1730.6) 155:6.2 My Father is no respecter of Races or Generations in that The Word of Truth is vouchsafed one age and withheld from another. | OUR [R] FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN ... YOUR KINGDOM COME, YOUR WILL BE DONE. AMEN & Amen. (1065.6) 97:4.3 POINTING A REPROVING AND ACCUSING FINGER TO ALL THE HATERS | Isaiah 10:17 The Light of Israel will become a Fire, their Holy One a Flame. Isaiah 30:27 See, The Name of the LORD comes from afar, with burning anger and dense clouds of smoke; His lips are full of wrath, and His tongue is a consuming Fire. Isaiah 66:15 For behold, The LORD [YHWH] will come in Fire And His Chariots like the whirlwind, To render His anger with Fury, And His Rebuke with Flames of Fire. 16 For The LORD will execute judgment by Fire And by His Sword on all flesh, And those slain by The LORD will be many. Revelation 20:4 Thrones [Seraphic Chariots] https://youtube/watch?v=B8mK5q5L38A | https://youtube/watch?v=qUuJ4EIZC_s | https://youtube/watch?v=po-yYt0VENM
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 22:21:25 +0000

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