MAY I BE A CHANNEL OF GODS BLESSINGS Psalms 128 A tree - TopicsExpress


MAY I BE A CHANNEL OF GODS BLESSINGS Psalms 128 A tree determines the fruit. A family tree determines the fruit of that family. A person can become a channel of blessing for his family. In Genesis 12:1-3 The Lord said to Abram,Leave your country, your people and your fathers house and go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you, I will curse; and all people on earth will be blessed through you. Abraham was called by God to be a channel of blessings for all peoples of the world. In Matthew 1:1-17, the genealogy of Jesus was enumerated. This is just to show that the tree determines the fruit. The book of Ezra 1:5 traces the root of Ezra to 16 forefathers to Aaron the chief priest, the brother of Moses. In some peoples opinion, it is not fair for blessings to flow through family line, but that is the reality. It is the blood of your parents that forms the blood you carry. I want to point out that not all the fruits of a tree are good. While some are good, some are bad. The family of Aaron is the priestly family. In that family, some of the sons of Aaron Nadab and Abiha offered an unauthorized fire that was not commanded by God, and fire came from the Lords presence and consumed them Lev 10:1-3. In that family, the family of Phinehas was blessed. In Numbers 25:13- Phinehas took a spear and killed the Isrealites and the Midianite woman,who bought curse into the camp. At the intervention of Phinehas, the plague that had killed as many as 24,000 stopped. While we affirm that it is good to come from a good family,it is also good to set up a good family yourself so that your future generation will also be blessed. You need to be a channel of blessings. You need to allow Gods blessings to flow through you. God can bless a family because of a person. For example Joseph was a channel of blessing for his family. May you also be a channel of blessings for your family today in Jesus name. A blessing that cannot translate to others is not a blessing. God blessed Laban because of Jacob, God blessed Egypt because of Joseph. May God bless your people for your sake. Prayer Point 1 . Pray that you will become a source of blessings. 2. Pray that anything/anyone blocking your source/channel of blessings be destroyed.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 08:53:48 +0000

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