MDC SUPERPOWER WIKI- ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM VISION The power to see ambient electromagnetic energy. Also Called 1. Electromagnetic Vision 2. Electromagnetic Sight Capabilities The user can perceive the world around themselves based solely on the patterns of magnetic and electrical energy. Some users may able to see the natural magnetic auras surrounding living beings, as well. The entire electromagnetic spectrum or most of it is visible to the user and can tune their vision to interpret the various ranges of the energy. They can see radio waves (which includes AM, FM, and TV frequencies), radar, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, power waves, x-rays, gamma rays, and even cosmic rays. They also have limited night-vision and thermovision. The user can also see the energy flowing through power lines and technological objects (can tell if they are active or not). They can tell if a radio transmitter is on and if it is sending signals. Applications 1. Aura Reading= The user can perceive auras, normally invisible fields of energy that surround every living thing, this can be used to sense emotions, health, power levels, or the targets moral alignment. They may also be able to sense auras surrounding inanimate objects under special circumstances. 2. Electroreception= User can use electroreception to locate objects around them. This is important in places where the user cannot depend on vision: for example in caves, in murky water and at night. Predators who have this sense use electric fields to detect buried prey. This sense can be passive or active: In passive electrolocation, the user senses the weak bioelectric fields generated by living beings and uses it to locate them. These electric fields are generated by everything living due to the activity of their nerves and muscles. In active electrolocation, the user senses their surrounding environment by generating electric fields and detecting distortions in these fields using electroreceptor organs. This allows them to detect non-living objects as well as living beings. 3. Gamma Vision= The user can see or sense gamma rays in anything or anyone. Because gamma radiation flows through everything, the user has an amazing outlook on the world. They can feel minute traces of gamma rays in every being and use them to heighten their perception and reflexes, 4. Infrared Vision= The user is able to perceive the infrared spectrum (i.e. temperature), allowing them to see temperature variations in objects and environment. This ability is incredibly useful for observation purposes, as the user is able to see the heat presences of any living targets. 5. Microwave Vision= The ability to see microwaves. 6. Night Vision= User can see in a dark or dim environments as though it were well-lit. 7. Radio Vision: The ability to see radio-waves and patch into radio frequencies exponentially to extensive proportions. 8. Ultraviolet Vision= The ability to see ultraviolet. 9. X-Ray Vision= The user’s eyes emit a ray frequency that enables for a transparency effect (i.e. x-ray) to visually penetrate solid objects or even see within objects. Can be used medical motives, to perceive cancers, tumors, or even blackened lungs the basic human eye perception cannot normally perceive. The skill of perceiving a specific location (i.e. artery) is given by partial reflection of the ray from each specific surface surveyed. The direction of incoming light allows for a positioned focus on the depth of a viewing surface. 10. Able to avoid detection by Radar 11. Able to avoid detection by Satellite Monitoring Methods Known Users:- Magneto (Marvel Comics) Polaris (Marvel Comics) Storm (Marvel Comics) Kryptonians (DC Comics) Sharon Vance (DC Comics) Rokk Krinn/Cosmic Boy (DC Comics) Pol Krinn/Magnetic Kid (DC Comics) Kort Grezz/Magno Lad (DC Comics) Loomis (DC Comics) Hu Krinn (DC Comics) Ewa Krinn (DC Comics) Dyrk Magz/Magno (DC Comics) Eileen Harsaw/Phantazia (Marvel Comics) Silver Surfer (Marvel Comics)
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 04:34:08 +0000

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