#MECHANICSOFTHEHEART my heart .... and thought process .. whos a - TopicsExpress


#MECHANICSOFTHEHEART my heart .... and thought process .. whos a pretty boy then LJB IS :) love love love this can work people of cracked IT I think I may have found a solution ... and a foundation for the future ..... right mathematicians ... and good people of this beautiful world we live on ... (ITS A SHIT HOLE AT THE MINUTE I KNOW IM BEING OPTIMISTIC ) heaven sent n all that .... iv COME up with an idea ITS just a thought and its a strategy put together by a tactician .....its a new bank ... its called the golden ark .... :) this really could chance the world as we know it :).. and my personal opinion could help us build a better future with a strong platform to proceed n help us switch into the fifth ... now this could well be metaphorically speaking the definition of living like kings to a certain extent to a fine degree ... The golden ark a charity a safe house a relic which is all of ours to keep this could in effect be the golden ticket in one perspective and the first of many ..... and could be a way out of this mess for the mean time Im not saying it wouldnt have its ups and downs but it would be fun if nothing else .... we could call it mission earth if you like .... Now this potienal idea could result in boosting the economy ten fold and would also boost living standards ten fold .. obviously we would have to let nature take its toll and let natural progression continue you cannot force it but the potential is potentially there BELIEVING IS IN FACT ACHIEVING SO WE COULD MAKE THIS HAPPEN we could in all honestly we can touch every corner of the globe in a second with media devices and technology these days so anythings possible and I just want to help ....... EVERYONE ..... and Im concerned about our future and with way its potentially heading ...... SOOOOOO So iv devised a plan ........so due to this tower being radically demolished I think it would be wise to start building a new one and at the moment I cant see us coming to a conclusion any time soon other than all hell breaking loose which ME personally am not prepared to let HAPPEN ITS ludicrous so .. hes one aspect of the golden ark ..... Now get your calculators out Right dunno if Im right but apparently theres 7billion people in this world OK right Now if the 7 billion people of this planet all put a tenner into the golden ark (my new made up charity which I would like to create with the help of the world) :) anyway that would create 70billion pounds now you have all only put a tenner in (I know in alot of countrys this is alot of money so you who are already rich couldnt you help square IT up would be nice anyway ) and your tenner has gone into a pot that has generated 70billion thats ten billion pounds each pmsl ...... but that would not be fair would it no you couldnt be trusted to make change lol I want to make sure we do this properly so say we all had 5 billion each thats 35billion gone and 35billion to boost living conditions in countries and education systems globally :) this #ladies and #gentlemen is how we could all come together and make a chance globally which we would all profit from :) and if we had media INVOLED could you imagine ITS potential globally :) what an event and what a future it could construct and what a load of fun we could have doing it I think personally this is the redeemer people I am the #REIGNBOW #SKYGOD a genius who is in theory if this pulled of about to GENIE us all into the fields of #GOLD this POTENTIAL could just be the start of things to come there logic behind this thinking :) alot of logic Amazing what a little math can do isnt it ..(ITS CALLED MIRROR MIRROR).. now you might think this would seem uttley ridiculous and damn right impossible and couldnt quite see how it would benefit us at all when in reality anything is possible and it could in fact benefit us dramatically in multiple ways .... see firstly it would completely eradicate poverty .... to a degree IT would also boost economy it would also generate money to form a better education health care future GLOBALLY DONT FORGET WERE ALL EQUAL all aspects could be increased to a certain degree IT would obviously have its pros and cons but I generally think it would give us a better platform for the future ...... it would allow people more down time to think become more creative ...and I think it would boost the peoples vibes ten fold (MONEY DOESNT BUY HAPPINESS I KNOW) .but we could really clean this place up and switch things UP for the Better this would be a massive achievement and global mission in itself .... just achieving something like this would go down in history straight up ..... enrich the system and grow together in a better brighter future ..... I think it would end the pandemonium ... its quite a clever way to do it switch it up if you made a big song and dance over it really put it out there got everyone involved globally what could in fact bring us closer together it would be magically like Charlie finding his golden ticket except its just everyone chipping in and everyone actually winning the lottery at the same time lol wars would stop people would be to busy making everybody knows about the golden ark and the result and outcome of it we all get rich ..... :) and for as little as a tenner now I know in some countries its a hell of alot of money so you that are rich already I reckon should square the rest up :) ..... what do you reckon this could be a global phenomenon which would be exciting what a buzz watching the countdown time seeing everyone put in then bang ... we have all just hit the jackpot hahaha its my pyramid skills with the money everyone would in fact be wealthy and we would all be able to live like kings put our feet up and invest in helping each other progress as a unit and maybe venture into the stars (I really want to be people can you tell) lol .. now Im not taking away the choice or decision you make in your day to day lifes DO what you like within reason ..... Im just like robin hood ..... a character ....... this wouldnt take individuals choices away or FREE WILL it would just boost economy hopefully drop the crime rate hopefully eradicate poverty in crease living conditions in crease healthcare increase education increase POTENTIALLY alot of things and by the time people got bored we would of work out how to bust out of this place and link up with other places in the universe .... and obviously while this is going on we could also potentially map out exactly what is in front of us and deal with it accordingly and be well prepared and ready .... IV JUST THOUGHT OF AN IDEA THAT IS WELL POSSIBLE AND YOU KNOW IT ACTUALLY COULD BENIFIT US IN SO MANY ASPECT AN AREAS OF LIFE ITS UNREAL SOOOOO ....... SHALL WE GO MAD AND TAKE OFF INTO THE GOLDEN AGE IF SO GET IN TOUCH COME ON WHAT EVER IS IN FRONT OF US I COULD POTENTIALLY HELP SOLVE THE PROBLEM ....... IF JUST COME UP WITH A MAGICAL GLOBAL PHENOMENON WHICH COULD POTENTIALLY BE ONE OF THE FUNNIEST AND MOST EXCITING EVENTS IN HISTORY :) #IAM #LEGEND Could you imagine the pandemonium it would create the excitement the buzz and you havent lost anything lol you just have to g everyone up to put a tenner in you could have a counter on the website then bang once everyone has chipped in ... reimburse the everyone up onto a level and with the rest you could like IV already said make change for the better globally what an event that we could all take part in the golden ark could Potentially if honed in correctly could be of use to mankind in so many different ways this is just another #ONE of my spaced out thoughts but its a sensible one theres logic init from nurmerous ways the grass isnt always greener but I think it would be a good stepping stone in the right direction N with the money get some one creating a device to cure these people who are sick COME ON WE can do this together globally this could be something for us all to be proud of My name is luke J buckland ....... this is my idea you first heard it here ....I am a #G my hearts in the right place cant you see my potential pls cant we work together ....... makes sense people o then were CREATE an endless energy SOURCE etc etc all sorts the future is bright and there is alot of bright people out there who are wide awake right now this idea was conjured up by Luke J buckland and is potentially the GAME CHANGER #PROBALLER lets make it happen END WARS etc and build a brighter and better future for all of us and have fun doing it think of the potential PLSSSSSSSSSSSSS #CIA #HIERARCHY #FBI #GOVERNMENT #Obama CAMERON #BLAIR #BUSH #RTNEWS #SKYNEWS #THESUN #THEDAILYSTAR #Thedailymail #WORLDBANKINGGROUP #MANKIND #HUMANRACE FOR EXISTENCE #SUPERSTARS #CELEBRITIES I have the #XFACTOR #BLUEFLAME #LOVE #PEACE #HARMONY #LIGHT #WORLDWIDE #MEDIA #LIFESFORLIVING #CHARITYS #FREEPEOPLE I am legend I am a G WHO has SUSD CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS GSUSDChrist Im a G and Im #ONLYHUMAN this is just my wish this is just a thought this is passion Im creative #YOUAINTSEENNOTHINGYET :) so come and get me Im here to help Obvs this manafesto needs brushing up so come and talk to me if we do this I wont to be involved OBVIOUSLY its my idea and I want to keep track on where the money goes I know that the money sometimes doesnt reach where its supposedly ment to go .. and if we do do this idea ...obvs if #IT happeneds no money would be released until the counter is completely empty and everyone has chipped in .....etc etc would have to get solicitors INVOLED etc I would want it all done propley and if we was going to do it I would want THe whole world INVOLED :) in the #MOVEMENT ..... LUKE JOHN BUCKLANDS IDEA TO LIVE LIKE KINGS #TEDX WHAT YOU RECKON #PEOPLE This is the best idea to DATE SURELY . And it will all be lead out on the table so everyone can help get INVOLED and also see exactly where the money goes :) no con fully on show and on the table n when were skint do #IT again lol
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 20:51:58 +0000

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