MESSAGE TO THE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY By: Dawud Abdullah Taylor - TopicsExpress


MESSAGE TO THE CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY By: Dawud Abdullah Taylor What is to be conscious these days? The last time I checked, to be conscious is simply to be aware of something. If I go outside and recognize that it is cold outside, that means that I am conscious of the temperature. But again what does it mean to be conscious these days, especially on the topic of the advancement of the African people? Is waving around a Pan-African flag considered conscious? Does throwing up a fist consider one to be conscious? Does yelling out BLACK POWER to the world make you conscious? No, No, and No again and here is why. All that I just mentioned (and a lot more not mentioned) Does NOT make you conscious minded, for these are all superficial things that have absolutely no meaning if your livity does NOT match. Throughout my day to days, I see a lot and hear even more. Now mind you, the people that I see and hear are the very same ones that I just mention (and a lot more); lets call them the ATTENTION SEEKERS. I call them the attention seekers for one reason and one reason only. They are easy to get your attention but they fail to give you the sustenance to carry on the task at hand properly, which is the constant striving to our liberation. The attention seekers are the ones you find on the street corners, you can find them on the YouTube channels, the social sites, screaming BLACK POWER all day long, KILL THE ENEMY all day long, and all that whole package, but yet they have no real plan or purpose that is going to backup this rage that you now possess. So now what, you are all hyped up, all pumped up, you are filled with hate (not motivation), and you know where you are headed, right to jail, if not worse. With this kind of energy floating around, how in the world is this going to help us in the long run? Short answer, it wont help us at all, But it will help your oppression. Again with this kind of energy floating around, we hand ourselves over to the enemy freely without them even having to lift a finger; think about it. And then when we are in our situations, we sit and complain, oh its the white mans fault. First off,.warriors are NOT victims who sit and blame anybody else for anything, warriors make it happen with no excuses. Secondly, warriors wont even fall for a misguided teaching, for warriors can recognize the teachings of advancement vs the teachings of self regression. Now if you will, lets switch gears a bit to the area of age. It is also felt within the so called conscious community, the sense of the good ol war between the old and the young (just as predicted by Willie Lynch, but thats another topic in itself). Yes the elders vs the youngins. Now correct me if Im wrong, arent we all African people, arent we all suffering from the same hell, arent we all trying to get free? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then what difference does it make how long someone has been on the scene? How long they have been doing this work? How long have they been on this earth? What difference does it make family? From organized controlled debates down to street building, the concept of you dont know, your too young, or you too new to this, we been doing this, this always seems to come up in the conversation. And what does that do, it distracts everyone that was trying to follow the original message, but instead they are now focused on your petty arguments. If an elder has knowledge but does not pass it down to the youth, then that knowledge will go nowhere but in the ground instead OF the minds of the youth. Just like the Sun which generates us all with energy and LIFE, eventually that SUN does set in the west. Now at the present moment, our elders represent that Sun, and I mean this with nothing but LOVE and in no way shape, form or fashion a sign of disrespect, but eventually you will also set in the west. But also, just like that SUN that sets in the west, it shall RISE again in the east. We the youth are the embodiment of that rising SUN, that rising force now on the scene to carry on and on. So now in LOVE I have to ask my elders a question, if the youth are the rising SUN coming in from the east, why are you posing as a dark cloud to cover out using rays? If the land is dark, how can the people see their way? Let us work TOGETHER, the old and the young, thats how a village works; each one with a task to take our people forward. WORK TOGETHER NOW OR NEVER, BUT IF NEVER THEN ALSO CRY NEVER. Lastly I would like to touch briefly on the arena of debating. Debates are arrangements, why are we areguing? Now dig this, if you go to or watch any debate, there is always a brotha/sista at the beginning of the presentation, that invokes the presence of our ancestors during the pouring of libations to enter the arena. And also it is asked of the elders of the house to begin their work or to speak, am I correct? Now what Im asking is, why are we asking the ancestors who paved the way for us to study and to teach this knowledge, why are we inviting them to watch and listen to us argue and fight over this knowledge that they gave us to teach? Again I ask, what help does that provide for us family? We all know that all will NOT be agreed upon, but there is way too many similarities to be fighting at all. Look at your opposition if you will (all of them), they dont have this issue not one bit. They teach their knowledge, they take their history and they teach their people. They dont worry about debates and who is right or wrong. They simply teach and they prosper. Why, because they were United! THE so called conscious community is NOT United, so how you even call it a community? TOGETHER THE ANTS WILL CONQUER THE ELEPHANT. We are the ANTS and our issues are the ELEPHANT. That ELEPHANT wont fall if we the ANTS are fighting each other. LETS WORK TOGETHER NOW OR NEVER, BUT IF EVER THEN ALSO CRY NEVER. Ase
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 07:16:58 +0000

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