METRO TACLOBAN AND AREAS SHOULD BECOME A UNITED NATIONS PROTECTORATE: A Proposal to the National Government, Philippines: There is no shame in admitting that calamity in the wake of Yolanda is way over your heads. Too many disasters happening within a span of 3 months (I include the man-made disaster called the pork-barrel scam here) can certainly erode the resources and abilities of any nation and the Philippines is no an exception. There is no local government nor provincial. Apparently, due to the absence thereof, there is no national government either. If you consider the performance of DILG Sec. Mar Roxas looking like an idiot taking the role of traffic enforcer waving his arms directing traffic in Tacloban recently, as representative of a national govt presence, then youre an even bigger idiot of the same league with the two R.P. senators who wanted to punish the looters. The folks in Tacloban and Leyte in general have been abandoned, period. I say call in for a United Nations resolution to provide civil and military administration to the Leyte and badly affected ares, and oversee the rebuilding of Tacloban from the ground up. No politics. And, there have been successful precedents to the U.N. stepping in. In 1992-1993, the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) was practically the government in Cambodia. UNTACs aim was to restore peace and civil government in a country ruined by decades of civil war and Cold War machinations, to hold free and fair elections leading to a new constitution and to kick-start the rehabilitation of the country. That is what we need in Tacloban: a kick-start operation to rehabilitate. Scrape the debris out of the way for new homes and future. A chance to rebuild from the ground up without Philippine politics messing it up. Monetary/ financial aid is pouring in and I imagine politicos in Manila trying to position themselves over that hoard, that is the main cause of the delay of help. We need an outside entity to oversee that the monies and aid actually benefit the intended recipients. As one contributor from the U.K. said: these people do not deserve this calamity.. The victims and the family the survived them do not. I can envision the basics of the Tacloban U.N. Protectorate: we have the US Fleet on full stem to the Leyte area and I expect the Army Corps of Engineers not too far off, the UK is sending a destroyer/ cruiser with its load of SeaKing helos and both should provide the necessary transport and military structure. Aid is coming in. The rebuilding may take 5 - 8 years but the money coming in should provide the locaLpolulation with work and income. What they do not need is interference and the green and avarice that has become the hallmark of Philippine politics.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 23:09:49 +0000

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