MIRACLES AND TESTIMONIES SERVICE SUNDAY 25TH MAY, 2014 (3rd Service) THEME: PROPHETIC ENCOUNTER FOR UPLIFTMENT Message Title: SECRETS FROM HIGH FLYERS (3) BY: #DrPaulEnenche SECRETS FROM HIGH FLYERS- DAVID 1. The acceptance of responsibility (1Sam. 16:11) Accepting responsibility means: taking the lead, playing the leader, being proactive, giving no blames/excuses, not dodging work/tasks, being there when you are meant to be there. 2. A life in God’s Presence. If you want to go up/ not remain down, live in the Presence of God. 3. A life of service/a servant’s heart (Psalm 89:20) The oil of royalty flows on the head of servants. Drop your shoulders; calm down for God resists the proud. 4. A heart of love (1Sam. 17:34-36) The quality of your heart determines the quality of your mark in life. Your heart determines your height in life. 5. A life of diligence. (1Sam. 17: 16-18) David was an extra-miler; he always went the extra mile Don’t let your destiny slip out of your hand through sleep; be diligent. You can contact our bookshop officers to get the DVDs and CDs of this message (and other messages and ministry materials) @ Destiny Bookshop, Area 1, Garki Abuja, Nigeria or call 234-0704-0074-930. YOU ARE BLESSED BEYOND MEASURE!
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 09:21:44 +0000

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