MODELED BEHAVIOR “Train up a child in the way he should go, - TopicsExpress


MODELED BEHAVIOR “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6) Recently two of our children at Franklinton decided it was time for a family meeting. Five-year-old Taylor and 12-year-old Tyler said to their parents, “We need to talk.” These two youngsters had compiled a list of their concerns which included saying a prayer before meals, a family prayer time, and for their parents to watch their language. Mom and Dad agreed and asked Tyler if he would like to lead them in the family prayer. Tyler agreed and while he was praying little Taylor began to say “Yes, Jesus,” “Amen!” “Praise the Lord,” “Halleluiah” as she held up her hands praising Jesus. You must understand that we have a wonderful church, but Taylor had never seen or heard this while I was preaching. Jamie and Michelle looked at each other and wondered “where did these two children come from?” Isn’t it amazing that children are the ones who help us see our shortcomings and help bring us to Jesus? I’m grateful for young children who love Jesus; our church is filled with them. And I appreciate Moms and Dads who bring them on Sundays and Wednesdays. Children model their behavior after us, Moms and Dads. How is your behavior? Are you saying or doing things that honor God? How important is church attendance? Have your children observed you reading your Bible or praying for other people? The most important decision your child will ever make is whether to accept or reject Jesus as their Savior. You are their teacher. Will they model your behavior? PRAYER: “Father, thank you for children who want to worship and praise you, and for the parents who see to it that they are in church to learn about you.”
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 20:23:14 +0000

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