MORAL MOVEMENT MISSISSIPPI on the march... Please join us in a - TopicsExpress


MORAL MOVEMENT MISSISSIPPI on the march... Please join us in a rally August 28th at the State Capital-4PM. You may or may not be aware of the Moral Monday movement that started in North Carolina about seven years ago. It was founded by Rev. William Barber in response to laws that were being passed in state government that stripped voting rights, defunded public education, placed undue tax burdens on those who could least afford it and denied healthcare to the working poor, among other things that are down right draconian. A coalition of faith leaders, labor, social justice activists and regular citizens was formed and grew in the ensuing years. In solidarity they have pushed back with a concerted effort and civil disobedience. In February of 2014; 80,000 people showed up in Raleigh,NC in protest of what they believe are the immoral actions of their state government to benefit special interests. In this short video clip Rev. Barber lays out the rock upon which this moral movement is built: https://youtube/watch?v=1PASlMPsqwI As time has passed coalitions of similar groups have formed in other Southern states, because most of us face these same problems, authored and implemented by the same special interests at work in North Carolina. To that end in February of 2014 a coalition of labor, social justice activists, clergy and concerned citizens staged the first rally on the Capital steps in Jackson, MS. Because it was on a Thursday the nascent group took the working title of Ethical Thursday for that action and for the next few months. From that seed a movement has emerged with planning and organization built on the Moral Monday model. Although each state movement is autonomous, we are in contact with activists in other states, Rev. Barber and his organizers, through emails, conference calls and training sessions. During the week of August 21st-28th thirteen Southern states in solidarity, will have actions, protests, meetings and rallies. Every state will have their own agenda but all of them will address the same set of issues, because all of us find that we face the same problems from the same folks. Those issues are as follows: Adequate K-12 public education Economy-labor rights-living wage Voter education- voter rights Women’s rights Equal protection under the law Healthcare- Medicaid expansion The larger more seasoned coalitions will have a press conference to kick things off on the 21st lead by clergy. Then they will have a rally every day with a mass rally on the 28th . Since we are in our formation stages Moral Movement Mississippi will have the press conference on the 21st at the Capital building rotunda at 2:00PM. Then on the 28th there will be a mass rally at 4:00PM on the Capitol steps with a performance art piece presented by a group from JSU, followed by speakers addressing the issues listed above. At that time there will be actions and rallies in thirteen Southern states. As Moral Monday is non-partisan and non-sectarian, so too is the Moral Movement Mississippi. These issues are not liberal or conservative, not right or left, not Republican or Democratic…they are moral issues. They affect people of all races, genders, identities, orientations and religious affiliations or none. Therefore, they are being addressed by all who would join in solidarity. That brings us to why you have received this message. We invite you to be a part of this action. Thank you for your consideration. It’s a movement not a moment.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 14:15:41 +0000

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