MORNING BLUES—Beloveds Mornings are not my best time. My - TopicsExpress


MORNING BLUES—Beloveds Mornings are not my best time. My optimism ratio is way down and if I am going to feel negative about anything, it will probably be then. It takes me a while to get it all together. Generally halfway through my mug of coffee things begin to look up and by the time I spend a little time with my Father God life looks possible again This morning I felt overwhelmed and hopeless. Just a case of the old-fashioned blues, I thought. I have the habit of stopping to look out of my back window several times during the day. I just like looking at my garden especially to see if anything is blooming. I was doing that this morning in an absent-minded way, not really focusing in on anything. God has many unique ways of pointing something out to me. Even when I am slow to catch on, eventually I see it. And I did finally see it. Overnight an Easter Lilly had bloomed. Just one bloom, but it was a very big bloom that couldn’t be ignored. I almost missed it and I almost missed what my Father God was bringing to my attention. The Easter Lilly is the symbol of our eternal hope through Jesus Christ. Even when things seem hopeless that hope is still and for always mine. I need to keep my focus on the One who died to give me that hope. When I shift the direction of my attention to the problem and take it off of Him, He graciously redirects me back to Him, My Problem Solver. God is good and His mercy endures forever, Beloveds.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 20:07:09 +0000

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