MOVIE REVIEW - "RED 2" Release Date: 29th August - TopicsExpress


MOVIE REVIEW - "RED 2" Release Date: 29th August 2013 Rating: M Director(s): Dean Parisot Stars: Bruce Willis, John Malkovich, Helen Mirren, Mary-Louise Parker, Anthony Hopkins, Catherine Zeta-Jones & Brian Cox Run Time: 116 min’s Trailer: Score: ¾ out of 5 I am a big fan of the 1st R.E.D. flick from back in 2010. The tongue in cheek fun of several Retired, but Extremely Dangerous hit-people (that’s a thing right?) - Willis, Mirren, Malkovich & Morgan Freeman being drawn back into the game was fun for both young & old, male & female. And everything was tied up nicely by the film’s end. The only downside was that Freeman was killed off … but gallantly no less. So what I’m getting at is there was ABSOLUTELY NO NEED to churn out a sequel - except to further line the superannuation pots of its stars. Hell, given Hollywood’s a town that’s all about the $$$, what could possibly necessitate a sequel when the 1st flick didn’t even crack the $100M mark in the US. So in a nutshell, the only (& I mean ONLY) reason to pay money to see Red 2 is if you’ve grown tired of sticking pins in your eyeballs whilst simultaneously flushing a couple of $10 notes down the toilet. Actually, that might be a little harsh. I did quite enjoy watching Dame Helen Mirren in an evening dress firing off a gazillion rounds with a Gatling gun. But to pay $18+ for the privilege … no thanks!! Willis’ Frank is content to enjoy a quiet life with girlfriend Sarah (Parker from TV’s Weeds), until Malkovich’s Marvin crashes the couple’s Costco shopping expedition to warn him that the CIA are out to kill them … again. They’ve been framed for a secret nuclear weapon project that threatens to explode under the Kremlin. So their only hope is to break the project’s inventor (an embarrassingly hammy Hopkins) out of a psychiatric prison & deactivate it before it’s too late. Along the way, they reunite with Mirren’s Victoria, as well as meet up with Frank’s ex-girlfriend Miranda (Zeta-Jones). Hmmm, CZJ - have never been a fan & Red 2 certainly hasn’t helped her cause. Bottom line - this film is not just unnecessary (like so many sequels), but the performances are pretty terrible & most of the narrative simply makes little or no sense. You have been warned.
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 05:23:08 +0000

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