MSS week and My - TopicsExpress


MSS week and My chronicles. --------------------------------- Its about 13 years ago in secondary school, just when we were preparing to move to SS3, Our public school was returned to the missionary. It was a battle from beginning for many of us who used to represent the school in the Cowbell mathematics competition in the junior classes. because we had to start proving ourselves intellectually to the new set of teachers and school management. It was not easy for me to exude my cerebral distinctiveness because of my bad spoken english that was terribly disturbing (Dont laugh). Then, something brought me to the lime light. It was the MSSN Week 1422AH in 2001. Prior to the competition, I got myself a biology text book called Concise Bioloy, I read it cover to cover except a chapter on ecosystem ( I hated that topic, lol!). My knowledge in biology was so awesome that in first term SS1 I had 86/100, which was the overall best score in the whole of SS1, the next best score after me was 56/100 I think. when the MSS week came up, Islamic Science Quiz was organised as part of the programmes for the schools under my Area Council, Then Ustaz Abdul Shakur Oderinde was the council Amir I think, we had missed like two rounds of the competition, myself, Jamiu Adebayo and Bala Mustapha represented my school, Saint timothys College in Biology,Mathematics and Physics respectively. we didnt emerge first after the whole rounds, we came third, and we were given Practical Chemistry text book. The colourful part of it was the way it was presented in a pulchritudinous atmosphere to us on the assembly ground. It was a vivacious moment I cant forget. We were the Muslim Superstars (lol!) Interestingly, when the major competition came up that involved all the students in my school, I was already known, my school would always choose me to represent in Biology. Today, I did not graduate as Medical doctor though, my first degree is electrical Electronics. But many of us keep thanking Allah for the guidance He has bestowed on us through MSSN and their fascinating programmes that have injected in us great Spirituality, intellectualism and moral disposition. I graduated from secondary after being appointed as the P.R.O of MSSN. this helped me alot in polishing my spoken english. Amazingly, I have also had the privilege to serve Allah through MSSN by being appointed as P.R.O. From Poytchnic, then back to Area council and this is my second year of being the PRO of MSSN Unilag. I could barely make a correct sentence in English like 13 years ago. Today, because of the opportunities given to me by MSSN by Allahs permission, I have been able to contribute in well accented english in youth national discussions on numerous topics that have been aired atleast 15 times on BEN TV in England. I now present Television and radio programmes with ease by Allahs permission. My religious video discussions have been seen in atleast 18 countries in the world including Canada, UK, Finland and Sweden in well accented english too. Interestingly, the awesome atmosphere in developing ourselves given to us by MSSN through Allahs permission is highly quintessential. MSS Week is one of those beautiful atmospheres. Today, I am proud to say I am a bonafide member. Happy MSS Week 1435AH
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 11:34:30 +0000

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