MUSLIM UMMAH - YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW EXCERPTS: (Please click the LINK and read the full article, for more details) THE RULERS LEFT NO STONE UNTURNED TO PUT OFF THE FLAME OF ISLAM THE REFORMERS TRIED THEIR BEST TO KEEP IT BURNING. WHAT THE RULERS DID? It is worth knowing, what the Muslim rulers did in this period. Shariah Law was abolished in Turkey. Article 63 of the Turkish Constitution says—efforts to bring back Shariah Law is a punishable crime. bullet Hijab was banned. bullet Fez cap was removed and the Top Hat was put on the heads of Turkish people. bullet Azan was stopped in Arabic. When Adnan Mendrez ( an elected Prime minister of Turkey) reinstated the Azan in Arabic he was hung by the Generals of that country. bullet President Envar Hoxa of Albania declared that Albania is an Atheist State. He advised his people not to keep Muslim names instead keep Alayrian names. bullet Boraqeba of Tunisia banned the fasting in Ramadan in 1960s. bullet All rulers banned the participation of Islamic parties in their countries except Malaysia and Pakistan. REFORM MOVEMENTS IN MUSLIM LANDS Ikhwan-ul-Muslmoon was formed in March 1928 by Hassan-al-Banna with only six persons giving Bayyah (oath of allegiance) to him. He was a self taught Islamic scholar. He was a customs clerk. His disciple Syed Qutub galvanized the Muslims. Jamat-e Islami was established on August 26th 1941 by Abulala Maudoodi, a genius, a self taught Islamic scholar. Only 75 people offered the initial membership. He galvanized the Muslims of undivided India. Tablighee Jamat was also establishd during the same period in 1927 by Maulana Ilyas Mewat, India. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, another genius, who became an Aalim at the age of 16 years. He was the most famous scholar of Islam at the age of 22. He started the news paper Albalagh and Alhilal. In 1870s Muslims of India began to build their institutions. A group of Muslims in Bombay formed an Anjuman-e-Islam in1876 which included a school project for children. Anjuman School opened in 1880. The most famous pupils of that school were Mohammed Ali Jinnah, Abdullah Yusuf Ali, and Sir Akbar Haihydri. The first gave a country, the second gave one of the best translations of Quran in English, the third became the prime minister of the State of Hyderabad Sir Syed Ahmed Khan founded a college in Aligarh, Which became Aligarh Muslim University. Osmania University was established by Mir Osman Alikhan , ruler of Hyderabad in 1920. In Algeria Sheikh Abdul Hameed Ibn-o-Badi started his work in 1913. On May 5, 1932 he formed the Algerian Muslim scholar’s Association Sanusi Movement in Libya and Mehdi Movement in Sudan Basmachi movement in Central Asia OTHER MOVEMENTS IN THE WORLD: During this time two significant “isms” engulfed the whole world, communism and nationalism, leaving aside the Nazism and Fascism which were localized. Nationalism is the cancer of Islam. Russian revolution occurred –the menace of communism became the political currency and the West welcomed it with open arms. President Nixon wrote in his book Seize the Moment “People of the Muslim world were more resilient about the appeal of communism than those of the West, and their widespread rejection of the materialism and moral permissiveness of Western culture redounds to their credit”. The big European Powers realized the menace of wars and established a “Christian Club”, the European Union. The nationalism went in background. The Arab nationalism is buried in the trenches of Kuwait. The communism, the man made system died its own death. The capitalism and socialism are struggling. We also established the world’s most impotent organization called the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC). Today the world is divided into two camps so for as Islam is concerned. The first group is advocating cooperation and coexistence. The other is advocating confrontation, conflict and containment. President Nixon, President Carter and Prince Charles are in the first group. The Neoconservatives and Kessingers are in the second group. This grouping occurred after the publication of an article “The clash of civilizations” by Professor Samuel Huntington in which he warned that the greatest threat to the West is Sino Islamic cooperation. google google Like ·
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 02:17:45 +0000

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