MY BACK GROUND I was born on 5th/april /1990 in the central - TopicsExpress


MY BACK GROUND I was born on 5th/april /1990 in the central part of Uganda, Buganda. Both my parents were Baganda by tribe. My mother was a teacher and father avenetery doctor. We wereborn 3boys,imyself and Samuel identical twins, Isaiah who is nolonger talking as aresult of celebral malaria. The girls were only two including Grace and Christine the yongest. It was a protestant family where by we were taught to work for God’s righteousness and salvation ,Never to question the priests. In 2000,during a baptism celemony that was at protestant church,I was forced to question a priest “why are you sprinkling water on the faces of young babies yet Jesus was baptized by deeping and again old enough i.e at age of knowing the wrong and right!!!! Some church members accosted me through saying “ a kid from impoverished family must not know God’s secrets”! The words of God can only be known by priests not by kids. God gave us the authority to bring about many rituals on which our Anglican church should move on” said the priest. On that day I discovered God was Okay but people are hypocrites, That’s why I hated religion from then up to date!!!! I had a heart for music but whenever I did try to touch the protestant church’s piano ,I was abused “sons of the poor must not touch God’s properties. Can you imagine!!!!! From then I did stop attending the services but could go to church coz I was forced by my parents. On the church instead of sitting in ,I could stay outside making fun with village kids ,playing tennis ,football and golf at the church playground. I even started sniffing paints because of group influence and had ran a big distance from God. I became terrible coz I had agang of guys j normally went with to death funeral occasions just to interrupt and disorganize everything, you know abusing those crying the death of their loved ones. I feel ashamed whenever I remember those memories. At our primary school, we had a golf team known as open gates golfers where by we could go to Mandela national stadium for competitions and came out as champions. All girls at school started abusing other guys because of our own sake (you know loving to talk and cheer with only the champions, I mean those who were active in the game). All though I was terrible, I didn’t love courtship habits as yet because I was very shy that I couldn’t stand in front of any girl. All the guys in our school passed exams with flying colors and it was amazing for us who were big headed to be announced as best performers in our primary leaving exams! Praise God! HOW MUSIC DREW ME TO JESUS? During my primary seven vacation, a guy knocked at the door of my room, she had a portable piano and a small travel bag on her back. I welcomed her with zeal because had seen her with a musical instrument. My heart was super excited and eager to hear what Linda was to share with me. After she had introduced her self to me, “can I share with you what I have prepared??” she asked!! My reply was positive. She started by playing the keyboard while singing amazing grace, all to Jesus I surrender, I felt torched and I did tell her as I was interested but mostly worldly music. She said that she was also on the same page with me but worldly music didn’t filled the emptiness of her life. “why?’’ I asked her. Long story she replied. “whats the meaning of amazing grace?” I asked again. Through many answers she shared from the bible, I discovered that religion had kept me all along on Christ instead of being in Christ. My life was empty and needed to be filled to overflowing. I entered the door way Jesus Christ , believed in him as Lord and savior and confessed of all my sins. I have hope that God did forgive me even though I was so bad and sinful, Jesus Intended Me Of His Victory!!! I can’t even begin to explained how liberated I felt after reading the tract she had left me with, realizing that this is what God wanted me to find. Salvation at last! Praise Jesus! Instead of praying for forgiveness of sin brought by Adam and eve , I can simply pray to God and lift his name on high so that He can draw to himself many others( John 12:32) such a wonderful message in the tract brought the holyspirt to torch my soul. My mission in life had finally begun and do you know how the holy spirit torched me? I was once terrified of the concept of death and would lie awake at night, unable to sleep for fear of death. I would question my self over and over and end up in panic. I was horrified to think that no amount of repentance which doesn’t lead to salvation or any other righteous works done would save my soul from the sin brought about by adam. Therefore I was doomed to be cast into HELL the place of eternal suffering. Knowing that by being born again of water and God’s spirit, accepting Christ as savior, I did act upon that and I slept well just like a baby! And I felt completely safe and loved. Obviously, satan is determined to try and blind as many to truth as he can, I’m now free of Satan’s grasp and begun the Lord’s work in earnest through Music Ministry following His calling! If God Can Save Me He can Save anyone else! “ for am not ashamed of the gospel; for it is the power of God unto salvation to anyone that believes to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For there in is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith( 2corithians 5:21) as it was written, the just shall live by faith( Romans 1:16-17) You see there is no law and righteous works but God paid in full all it was required for my/our sin’s Debt package when He died on cross for our sins . glory be to Jesus!!! I was set free after knowing the truth in jesus as it was written in John 8:32,” they shall know the truth and the truth shall set them free. As I learned the bible truth, I eagerly shared it with my friends in our area. Mostly to primary school mates because in my High school since I had just begun I had no friends yet( I was lonely) my friends immediate reactions was disbelief, infact the rumors soon begun circulating that I had lost my mind. One after another, my friends started to avoid me. After my baptism I would meet fellow sports guys at the truck since I exercised regularly to stay in shape. Our discussions helped them to see that although I had changed, I hadn’t lost my mind yet. A number of Golf, football mates in time came to appreciate that what I said was reasonable and worth considering, oh praise God! They noted my foul language had disappeared and the few were willing to learn more about the bible with me. I enjoyed showing others that the bible compares a Christian’s life to sports events. I’m now in the race for the prize of everlasting life-2timothy 2:5. The truth is, real meaning and happiness in life not winning sports events but using sports as a tool to win more souls with interest in sport to Jesus! My discussions with fellow sports guys caused some to re-examine their goals and several came to Jesus as lord and savior. Happily, a number of them has shown the same zeal in serving God as they do in sports. THE POWER OF GOD’S CALL All though by nature I enjoy sports ,God wanted me to mostly use Music Ministry in changing more souls to Jesus. In todays technological world, there are millions of mobile phones utilized daily around with people sending and receiving messages, if you hear a signal don’t tie up the line too long- it may be God’s calling!” how can we know we have a Holy calling? Possibly we can sense there is more to do in life, But there may be the gentle voice speaking on the other end of line Or a sense of urging in your spirit. God’s call was on my life” Isaac there is more in the world who love music and would after listening would be set free’’ I did pray about it but the memories of how God drew me to himself through music came back as I was lying on my bed, I realized that the same would be my ministry- despite the fact that I loved the sports. During that time, my parents sent me to village in mityana district to help my grand parents to planting banana’s and other works. By the then it was my senior Four vacation. I did find them very weak and old, couldn’t even walk without holding sticks. My grand father had a small to which he could allow me in and there I started preaching to him’’ serve One almighty God without small gods’’ hahaha!! he laughed and he left me there alone. One day I got a chance to enter that room, it was my turn to serve my grand father with morning Tea. Wow, I didn’t knew it was a recording room. Immediately since I didn’t found him I tried out with the keyboard found in the room to imitate the way pianists at my former protestant church did. There he returned and I was terrified hoping to be purnished and abused but surprisingly he said big up my son Isaac! Oh my my….!!!! He even promised to train me how to play the piano but due to his vulnerability and having many customers to produce to their songs, he didn’t fulfill his promise personally but he sent me to piano institute in the neighborhood district of Namutamba “Learn to entertain your self’’ my grand father said before vacating the piano institute campus. We were trained very well and punished whenever a mistake was made. We always sung “ He’s got the whole world in his hands, when the saints Go matching in’’ , accampained we playing the keyboard. With strong heart for music I had ,I learned how to play it very fast where by started singing different hymns I had from born again churches. Songs like’’ it’s so sweet to trust in Jesus, amazing grace, across the bridge’’ so many guys were torched asked for the meaning of such songs, they hoped I had composed! I used that valuable opportunity to proclaim God news to them and those who were devil possessed were set free since I prayed a lot and rebuked the demons as well as playing the piano at the end of those songs. Can you imagine! Unfortunately ,I was expelled from the campus due to my spiritual actions and my grand father, since he was against the gospel truth( strong protestant) and said “ you have ashamed me” then with my great temper I told as I was not ashamed of the gospel. since I discovered that his life was empty. I proclaimed goodnews to him and inturn he requested me to return to Kampala so I left the village. The bible says in Romans 8:28 “we know that all things works together for Good for those who love God and called according to his purpose! I didn’t know that my coming back to Kampala was a blessing to Grace Place community church. They had been seeking for a pianist and when my brother the youth pastor Samuel told them that I was training for the piano in the village. They prayed for my return to Kampala soon. I didn’t go to village for piano lessons but I believe God had a plan for my life and called me in music ministry for his calling was on my life! God answered the church members prayers since I returned soon in early July 21st 2001 and devoted my life in the music ministry at grace place church up to date. Every body is amazed about my piano playing skills and whenever I move to podium many church members joins hands to clap for me and I would join them too by lifting up my hands to clap to Jesus. Everybody is overjoyed. I trained two young guys from the youth ministry i.e ashraf and emanuel so that whenever I’m away or get sick they can take up my position and services goes on! Praise God! What could possibly be more fulfilling in life than answering God’s call or move tragic than missing it? Since I fore knew that’’ only God’s call will keep me whenever God sends me’’ and he will provide for me for the ministry to move on and on! Indeed God is not a liar through my grandfather, he gave me a keyboard for practicing but I used for the ministry to hunt more souls of guys who are interested in music, but unfortunately, I gave the keyboard to my friends in the ministry who were going to a gospel crusade at kalerwe since didn’t went due to malaria . They fell into the gang of thugs who took it away and all their properties such as phones ,brouses ,shoes can you imagine !! We cried as a whole team for missing such a good piano which was strong ,had strong beats and better functions hence nowadays I’m using the big church’s keyboard thus it’s very heavy for me to the extent that I return from missions when I’m very weak . I pray to God every day that I may get a ministry portable yamaha piano for door to door of His own service. That key board was donated to me by my grand father who left me long time ago !!! I don’t know why good people go away very fast?!!! I hope he is with our Lord jesus Christ!!! I miss that keyboard and whenever I remember how powerful and beautiful it was I cry and at times fail to pray the church key board during the service whenever I play it and joyful noise fail to come out well. So I hand it to Ashiraf the young guy I trained how to play the keyboard to continue taking on the worship and praise moment!!!! I believe God will make away for me to get another keyboard !!! Pray for delivery of my piano lecture book I wrote to help change lives of youths with interest in music, it comprise of my story, few bible verses and piano lessons of how you can play the piano by your own at home! Iam still serving God through music and practically in sports to point out many guys to jesus as Lord and savior!!!!! In His Grace, Isaac’s promise Mpanga God bless
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 12:23:10 +0000

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