MY DEAR FRIENDS: This just in: obama warned by US Intel - TopicsExpress


MY DEAR FRIENDS: This just in: obama warned by US Intel sources 8 days BEFORE Russia entered Ukraine. As usual he ignored the warning, and STILL regularly misses his own daily one-on-one National Security briefings. From Benghazi to Syria and on, and on, and on, to the Ukraine now, SON-OF-ISLAM obama is MIA (Missing In Action. obama does not now, never did, and never will be astute about international crises and their disastrous effects of US security. To compound the situation, his NARCISSISM prevents him from asking experts for help. For over 5+ years he has surrounded only with yes-women- like valerie jarrett and yes-men. His recipes have rendered this great nation to a second-rate, no longer the worlds superpower. For several years KGBer Putin and Russia have consistently bested him. obama is a total embarassment on the world stage (and domestically). This is certainly NOT the time for ISRAEL to agree to anything obama, john kerry, etc pressure her to do. The US continues to order on JERUSALEM, Judea and Samaria, and the safety and security of JEWs in ISRAEL as the US expects her to return to AUSCHVITZ borders. REMEMBER The cloutless US does not SUGGEST to ISRAEL, our ALLY. It pressures and orders them. Again, the US will SCAPEGOAT the JEWISH Homeland because of the more then weak US Pres. I TOLD YOU SO!! AM YISROEL CHAI NO MORE CARVING ISRAEL UP OR PRISONER RELEASES SILENCE=COMPLICITY STAY INFORMED STAY VIGILANT THE TINY YET POWERFUL ISRAEL MUST ALWAYS PREVAIL JERUSALEM IS THE UNDIVIDED ETERNAL CAPITAL OF ISRAEL AND THE JEWISH PEOPLE KING SOLOMON IF YOU SAVE ONE, IT IS LIKE SAVING THE WORLD Their state=TransJordan NO MOSQUE AT GROUND ZERO WHAT ABOUT BENGHAZIGATE? WHAT ABOUT DANIEL PERLs muslim MURDERERS? FREE JONATHAN POLLARD GOOD SHABBOS JUDY NEVER AGAIN NEVER FORGET Nobody Believes In America’s Strength Anymore Posted By Ronn Torossian On March 7, 2014 @ 12:15 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage | 3 Comments This week, Senator John McCain at AIPAC rightfully said that Vladimir Putin’s strong-man tactics are “the ultimate result of a feckless foreign policy in which nobody believes in America’s strength anymore.” As we watch Putin operate with impunity, it’s evident that these actions are because America is not feared or respected. There have been so many repeated foreign policy disasters by the Obama Administration – From Syria to Iran, Benghazi to Egypt, Obama has taken American self-respect and honor to a terrible place. Obama’s foreign policy in a dangerous world has been an absolute disaster and danger for America. There are so many words of wisdom from some wise people: Take Jennifer Rubin of the uber-liberal Washington Post: “The president’s embarrassingly weak response to Russian aggression in Europe, following his about-face on Syrian use of WMDs last year and the deeply flawed interim Iran agreement, should unnerve even the most loyal Democrats.” Then, there’s David Kramer, the President of Freedom House, who rightfully noted, “After all, if the authoritarian tyrant Vladimir Putin is allowed to get away with his unprovoked attack against his neighbor, a blatant violation of that country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, then U.S. credibility, already damaged by Obama’s poor handling of Syria, will be down to zero.” Chris Matthews of MSNBC noted, “The Democrats just don’t have a foreign policy that they’re willing to defend, that they’re willing to use to take down the president’s. We’re dealing with the power of suggestion here.” And then there’s Dan Lieberman, who said, “The U.S. State Department officials seem to watch helplessly as sympathizers to Al Qaeda in Mali, Libya, Syria and Iraq gain strength and support, while the U.S. Defense department scrambles to react to inept foreign policies.” (Indeed, didn’t Obama run on a platform of improving foreign relations? Is there any nation on Planet Earth America has better relations with since Obama took office?) Kerry Patton, an internationally recognized security expert, noted, “Jimmy Carter allowed the crippling of US Intelligence during the Church and Pike Committees in an attempt to appease the American people. He is often considered America’s worst President and his foreign policy could easily be argued as the most horrific foreign policy in American history[.]” And as Rubin of Washington Post also opined in a recent column, “This president is far worse as commander in chief than Jimmy Carter, who was naive but serious and sincere; Carter also learned something when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. Obama is the least serious commander in chief we have had, disastrously at one of the most dangerous times since WWII … Obama’s grievous defeats and grievous errors are America’s. All members of Congress who blindly follow him will be equally responsible for the dangers that result.” Americans today are wondering how long we will suffer from the after-effects of Obama’s administration. So many across the political aisle have noted that Putin and others take positions because they know there is a weak leader. As James F. Meehan said, “The U.S. has lost prestige in the world and is perceived as weak. This has created a dangerous situation. Unfortunately Obama’s hand on the helm is not ‘steady,’ it is shaky.” And I, Ronn Torossian, would concur – Obama is a complete and utter disaster. Scary times. Kristen Soltis Anderson, a leading millennial pollster, studies numbers — and any political observer of the world can see and realize for very good reason that “Americans have grown frustrated with Obama’s handling of our relations with the world over the last year. The most recent polls show half of Americans disapprove of the job Obama is doing at handling foreign affairs[.]” In many ways, Nile Gardiner, a British conservative commentator, nailed it squarely on the head, saying, “The White House’s strategy has been one of abject confusion, with no clear leadership from the president. Barack Obama’s approach has been one of ‘leading from behind,’ a phrase first coined by one of his own advisers. He has been content to farm out US foreign policy to a feckless United Nations, and has kowtowed to a ruthless Moscow, which views Syria as a client state, a useful bulwark against American influence in the Middle East, and a thorn in the side of the world’s superpower.” Obama’s foreign policy may work in policy papers in academia – but in the real world it has been an absolute disaster. America’s foreign policy and national security has fallen apart. On every single front the Obama Administration has failed miserably. America has suffered tremendously during the Obama reign. How many days left till we have a new President? Freedom Center pamphlets now available on Kindle: Click here. Article printed from FrontPage Magazine: frontpagemag URL to article: frontpagemag/2014/ronn-torossian/nobody-believes-in-americas-strength-anymore/
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 07:34:26 +0000

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