MY MILEHICON REPORT: A. It was wonderful, as always. B. I saw - TopicsExpress


MY MILEHICON REPORT: A. It was wonderful, as always. B. I saw Dylan for the first time since Christmas, and met his girlfriend, Kristyn. C. Had talks with old friends: Carrie Vaughn, Daniel Abraham, John E Stith, Connie Willis, Cynthia Felice, Brian Hiebert, Ron Else (I didnt see Nina Else except in passing), and many others. D. The panels I was a part of went well, I thought, particularly the Bad Advice to New Writers panel that contained many gems. The sad, or funny, part of the panel was that there was no piece of advice that we gave that we couldnt think of an example of some writer who had done it. The piece of bad advice I didnt give was the one which Carol Berg told me would be like throwing a grenade into the room, which was self publish. E. The dealers room had some new vendors! I had a shopping list that far outstripped my budget. F. The art gallery was also great. I like that there was more sculpture and other multimedia pieces to augment the paintings and drawings. G. This year about 1,200 people attended. They were congenial and interesting. A convention often succeeds because of the crowd. H. Connie Willis was brilliant during her one-hour presentation on writing dialogue, but saying she was brilliant is like mentioning that water is wet. Of course she was. I. I enjoyed Daniel Abrahams and Ty Francks comments during the GOH speeches. They talked about the potential downside of a rising career trajectory. I know that most other writers would say, Oh, cry me a river, but they raised interesting points. J. As always, I was sad when we reached the end of the convention. Thats a pretty good sign that it was a good convention. K. Next year Im the toastmaster. I will be giving some thought to that and how I can do a good job with it.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 18:26:19 +0000

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