MY UNCONDITIONAL RECONCILIATION AND FORGIVENESS WITH DAVAO MISSION: * Few years back during my incumbency as Union Executive Secretary and President respectively, Davao Mission was facing a problem with the Loud Cry Ministry headed by its former pastor, Israel Villaver. * Our conflict with Davao Mission was not personal but rather administrative: we are one in identifying the problem but differ in its SOLUTION. I have my own solution and Davao Mission has its own SOLUTION. So there was tag of war of our moves in solving the problem. * After my retirement Davao Mission made an action to ban me in performing ministerial/pastoral function in their territory and declared me persona non grata. I did not contest. The fact, that I cannot cope up the calls for my services here and abroad. * Late this year I initiated for UNCONDITIONAL RECONCILIATION AND FORGIVENESS. I met Davao Mission president and the executive secretary (treasurer was not around) in the office of the union president. * We opted not to trace back our differences (for we all know the issues) but did a principle of NO QUESTION ASKED, BUT RECONCILED AND FORGIVEN. * I HAPPY TO LET YOU KNOW THAT I AND DAVAO MISSION STAFF, DISTRICT WORKERS AND CHURCH ELDERS (NOT ALL ELDERS WERE PRESENT) ARE FULLY RECONCILED. * November 21, 2014 Davao Mission invited me to personally declare our reconciliation in their staff meeting, workers and elders meeting in Davao Mission office and Adams Church respectively. LET US ALLOW THE HOLY SPIRIT TO WORK IN US.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 00:47:08 +0000

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