MY WELCOME MESSAGE TO ALL FRESH AND CONTINUING STUDENTS OF GIJ 2ND SEPTEMBER,2014. ...................................... All too soon comrades and fellow professionals of our noble institute, our three(3)month long break is over and we are here to once again battle with academics in order to safeguard our future. Indeed,this long break i must say was characterised by many changes. While some of us used the opportunity to equip ourselves with the practical skills of the PR and Journalism professions,others used the period to either replenish the lost energy used at the previous semester or raised funds to augment their stay on campus or pay fees. Regardless of how your holiday went, i wish to on behalf of the executive elect of GIJ-SRC and on my own behalf welcome all fresh and continuing students to our most cherished academic community. To the continuing students,i know you might have noticed alot of changes on campus. Alot of physical development has taken place- a clear indication that GIJ is gradually warming up to catch up with the committee of Universities. Sadly enough,you were also greeted with a hike in fees ,a 60% down payment of fees before registration and a legally challenged SRC that could not negotiate on your behalf. Do not be downhearted my people,as rightly indicated by Anne Bradstreet that if we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant;if we did not sometimes taste adversity, prosperity would not be so welcomed. In the mist of these challenges, i have hope. The fact that the SRC is not in a position to negotiate for and on your behalf should not let you throw your hands in despair. Yes,the incapacity of the SRC has denied us a golden opportunity to advocate for a fee reduction.Yes,there is the possibility that this semester may witness less of SRC activities if the legal challenge to the Presidency does not see a finality, but Martin Luther King Jnr tells us that the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience , but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. I call on us not to throw our hands in despair believing same that the mandate you entrusted onto us will SURELY be executed in due course. In the face of these challenges, i further make a solemn pledge as President elect to you all, to remain RESOLUTE and COMMITTED to the advancement of the cause of GIJ-SRC, to ADVOCATE vehemently for our collective interest without FEAR or FAVOUR, and never to negotiate such interest in FEAR. All i ask of you my brothers and sisters of our noble institute is for you to EXERCISE the right and power to dream of a better GIJ-SRC and demand it by whatever means possible. To the freshmen and women, i say Akwaaba !!. GIJ, though small in outlook, has in abundance limitless opportunities to explore. Feel free to ask questions. GIJ students are more of a family than colleagues. I want to also seize the opportunity to congratulate Dr. Wilberforce Sefakor Dzisah(Ph.D) on his appointment as the Rector of our great institute. I remain confident that the prospects of GIJ will be brighter under his watch. The same token of congratulations is due comrade Benjamin Alpha Aidoo, Irene Wirekoaa Osei and Bernice Alorgbe on their election as Ghana union of Professional students(GUPS) General sec, Coordinating sec and press and information sec respectively at the 12th Annual delegates congress of GUPS held at UHAS,Ho. Still students interest first....Ur mind 4 dey!!! Regards!! Steve Kubate Salifu President Elect, GIJ-SRC.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 17:42:16 +0000

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