MYSTERY OF DREAMS Todays message is very important to all - TopicsExpress


MYSTERY OF DREAMS Todays message is very important to all believers who are still struggling to identify how God speaks to them. It is something u must read word for word to under it deeper meaning and to get ur breakthrough from it. Many people are in bondage because of self inflicted ignorance and careless sharing their dreams with another person instead of praying d dream through. Dream is one of the ways God speak to His children about how to move forward, how to defeat their enemy and what will happen in future. But many dreams had been turn to problems, bondage, depression, tribulation, etc. The bible says in the book of GENESIS 37:5 Now Joseph had a dream and he told it to his brothers and they hated him the more. Looking at this verse very well, Josephs brother hated him because their father loved him more than them but Joseph didnt know of his brothers hatred and he went to tell them his dreams, the bible says they hated him more. Many people are in the problems they are today because they have told their enemy they see as friend their dreams. A lady came to me for prayers and i told her she will see d secret of that problem in her dream. At night, she saw her younger sister telling her u cant get married until i am married in the dream n when she woke up, the first person she went to tell d dream even before me was that her sister she saw in d dream. So, alot of people are the cause of their own problems cos they told their dreams to their enemies without knowing it. Dreams can also be Gods given ideas that can make u a celebrated person n when u tell ur enemies about it, they start plotting difficulties for you in order not to achieve d dreams. DIFFERENT KIND OF DREAMERS 1. There are some people who dream and never remember their dream: those ones are worst than their enemies cos when u dont remember you dream there is no breakthrough n u wont know when problems are coming. 2. People who are dream ignorant: most people who are dream ignorants are spiritually ignorance and that put them into deep problems. A woman had a dream and in that dream, she saw a woman walk into her room n said madam give me ur wedding dress and wedding ring she gave it to that strange woman in the dream n when she woke up, she couldnt understand, although that woman is a deacon in church but she didnt understand deeper meaning of dream, so at d breakfast table she told her husband n her husband said naybe she slept with a wrong side but within six months, she had lost that marriage to d househelp. If she wasnt a dream ignorant when she woke up she could have prayed n cancel dat dream. I am praying for you any dream that you have ignorantly ignore shall not work against u in Jesus name. 3. People who never dream at all: these people are already playing away their destiny. A lady told me i dont dream at all n if u know her problems u will run away from her cos it is much. Everywhere she go to there is problem waiting for her there. When u dont dream u belong to Satan n u need serious prayers to get out. 4. Those who dream and give it proper attention: like that king that had a dream n was so anxious to know the dream. Daniel 2 vs 1 Now in the second year of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign, Nebuchadnezzar had dreams; and his spirit wassotroubled that his sleep left him.(u can read more of dis chapter) WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT DREAMS 1. Dream is a way through which speak to his children 2. Devil is aware that God speaks to us through dream and he (satan) also steal from people in the dream. 3. Witches, wizard and other agent of Satan also plot their plan to destroy people in the dream. 4. Dream is like a revelation of what will happen 5. Dream requires deeper understanding and need to be unveiled. 6. Dream is self explanatory but sometimes not. 7. Dreams can make or mar a persons destiny 8. Dream can show us way to breakthroughs 9. Dream can reveal a secret of the hidden spiritual world. 10. Dream can bury someones destiny, glory, career and lay embargo on certificates n testimonials. PRAYER Every dream assigned to destroy you shall be destroyed by the power of God. note: there will be more prayer points posted on my wall by 12pm today so as to destroy every dream swallowing powers n dream changers. Pls if u have not added me before, do so before that time and also share dis wit ur friends.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 07:03:49 +0000

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