Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya By Hugo Turner In truth every thing I - TopicsExpress


Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya By Hugo Turner In truth every thing I know about geopolitics I learned from Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya. I first learned of his work when during the Libyan War he went to Libya to report on the war and might have died when he was stuck in the Libyan capital after the fall of Tripoli to the rebel forces. Thankfully he survived because he is the best geo-strategic analyst in the Alternative Media. Recently with the Iraq civil war his work is finally getting the attention it deserves. Way back in 2006 he was explaining the plans to balkanize Southwestern Asia (the Middle East) Africa, and Eastern Europe. He is not just brilliant on geostrategy, but in explaining the way identity can be weaponized as we see in Iraq today and in Ukraine. The social construction of identities aimed at creating division and war is vital to understanding our world today. He wrote a great book called The Globalization of NATO. It shows how the so-called North Atlantic Treaty Organization has exceeded its supposed original mandate of protecting Western Europe (actually it was formed before the Warsaw Pact, so its founding was an aggressive move not a defensive act). NATO is now expanding around the world, forming various regional alliances around the globe. All of it is aimed at encircling Russia and China, which has become rather obvious this year. Thus in my first post written well before the Ukraine Crisis had truly heated up I could prophetically declare that the Cold War never ended thanks to reading The Globalization of NATO by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya. The book also acts as a sort of mini-encyclopedia of recent history, where Mahdi provides great accounts of, say, the war in Yugoslavia or the background to events in Somalia or Sudan. It is highly recommended. After reading the book I was inspired to go back and read all of his old articles using the archive of his articles at Global Research. What an amazing education they provide. He combines first hand knowledge from his world travels, a brilliant sociological analysis with a brilliant insiders understanding of military affairs and geostrategic planning. He was in the Canadian military and it provided him with valuable insight into how the Empire thinks. He qoutes the plans made by men such as Halford J. Mackinder, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Oded Yinon, and Richard Perle that are still shaping our world today. Thus when ISIS invaded Iraq suddenly everyone was quoting Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya who in 2006, before the Syrian war had begun, already was talking about the attempts to balkanize Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Iran, and eventually no doubt all of Eurasia. So if you want to get ahead of the curve, you absolutely must do an in-depth reading of Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya. Also watch his great interviews and lectures on Youtube. Here is a great recent interview that describes the process of the balkanization of the Middle East: “What the MSM Won’t Tell You About ISIS, Greater Plan To Fragment ME.” Mahdi’s oldest articles: Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya – Archive. Mahdi’s most recent articles: Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya – Archive. Check out this forgotten gem and in-depth interview he did for a podcast: “The War on Mali: ‘The Fragmented Totality’ that characterizes the Imperialist System.” And get an in-depth introduction to geopolitics by watching this lecture he did: “Redrawing the Middle East: Syria in the Context of the ‘New Middle East.’” And he has also started making documentaries. Here is a great one he did on Ukraine: Welcome to Nulandistan: Propaganda and the Crisis in Ukraine.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 13:09:55 +0000

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