"Major corporations published full-page advertisements in the New - TopicsExpress


"Major corporations published full-page advertisements in the New York Times and paid for television commercials warning that unless Common Core standards were immediately adopted our economy would be seriously threatened. The Council on Foreign Relations, chaired by none other than Joel Klein and Condoleezza Rice, warned that our national security was at risk unless Common Core was adopted without delay. (And people were browbeating me because I said Rice was as much of a conservative as my right shoe, but I digress.) Vladimir Lenin. Less hair than Mao, but just as evil. Let me make this easy for you. Common Core standards is an across-the-board, pre-K to the end of your child’s education, system of teaching whereby every student is mandated to be taught the exact same thing and for all intents and purposes taught the exact same thing during the same period of time. In brief, it is a standard of education that creates automatons. But let me back up to ask what should be obvious. If, as the so-called experts are postulating, the future of America will collapse without Common Core, then someone needs to tell me how we survived to become the greatest country in history with a free market capitalist system envied the world over without it? The simple truth is that Common Core is right out of Mao’s “Redbook” — his manifesto for communism. Common Core could very well be the final death-knell for the minds of our children. Textbooks, ad nauseum, will be uniform. And while in the past, states such as Texas were able to dictate what textbooks would be used in their schools, that ability will be removed. Parents and school administrators will have no say in what the children in their schools are taught. Most parents are unaware of the distortions, misinformation, and omissions in the textbooks being written by liberals today. As a matter of fact, most parents not only have no clue, but they have never even given thought to the accuracy of the books their children are being taught from". Mychal Massie -
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 22:36:46 +0000

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