Mal Luber Politically Correct Terrorism When folks say that - TopicsExpress


Mal Luber Politically Correct Terrorism When folks say that political correctness may kill us, they dont know the half of it. Neither of the two men who attacked soldiers and Parliament this week in Canada were on any watch list here in the U.S. Why? Because Canada is so politically correct and devoted to multi-culturalism, that privacy laws prohibit sharing of such information. As such, neither of the murdering Islamists were marked in any U.S, data bases as security threats, even though Canadian authorities had taken away their passports. So it seems, that while our attention is drawn to the open backdoor backdoor out of Mexico, it seems we have a second backdoor to our north. Canada, unfortunately, is a country where multi-culturalism is holy writ, and their harsh political correctness standards keep most critics cowed. Nevertheless, one brave Muslim academic, Salim Mansur, a political scientist at the University of Western Ontario, and a regular columnist for the Sun newspaper chain, writes ...Muslim immigration is a demographic threat to western culture. When he appeared before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration, he pointed out that Canada needs to curtail immigration from Muslim countries where the populous has been inculcated with the cultural baggage of illiberal values. Such values, he said, severely undermine our liberal democracy. Think any Canadian politician will listen? I doubt it. Canada is changing rapidly in ways that the political and academic elites just dont want to discuss. Most people dont even want to recognize how much that country has changed in great measure in a relatively short period. If this patterns continues for another few decades, its likely that Canada will have changed irrevocably, in terms of being a liberal democracy. Heres some data to back this up. Most Canadian Muslims are foreign born, with a growing percentage born in Canada. There is also a small, but growing number of converts to Islam, such as Martin Rouleau, who used his car to kill a Canadian soldier, and Zehaf-Bibeau, who shot and killed another soldier guarding their war memorial. And let us not forget our own recent Islamic nut case, Zale Thompson, that attacked a group of rookie cops with a hatchet. Thankfully he was shot dead, and Police Commissioner Bill Bratton called it a terrorist act, even though his Communist boss, Mayor DeBlasio, and Obama, would not utter such a term. The majority of Canadian Muslims live in the province of Ontario, mostly in the Toronto area. There are also a significant Muslim population in Quebec and British Columbia - over 600,000, 2% of the total population. Statistics Canada predicts that by 2017, this population will increase by 160%. The flow of immigrants from Muslim countries, means a pouring in of numbers of people totally against their liberal democracy, and ours. Moreover, when there is no demand placed on immigrants any longer to assimilate into the founding values of the country to which theyve immigrated, and instead, by the stupid and totally misguided policy of multi-culturalism, encourage just the opposite, they often form their own Sharia based Islamic communities. Since Sept. 11, 2001, a growing chorus has warned that that Western society and its values are at risk of being overrun by a tide of Islamic immigrants. We know several things about the majority of islamic immigrants - they are disloyal, that they have a political agenda driven by their faith, and that their high reproduction rate will soon make them a majority, or at least an important political constituency. One of our own most intelligent and fearless politicians, Ted Cruz, referring to the recent terror attacks in Canada and Jerusalem (where a peace loving Islamist crashed his car into a crowd and murdered an infant), said American policy leaders must drop the illusion that these are random acts of senseless violence (as our dear leader likes to refer to acts of terror) unrelated to our national security. Cruz pointed out that these attacks are both strains of the same extremist virus. Their campaign of death is indiscriminate. Yet, our president, Barack Hussein Obama, will not classify, even the killing of 13 American soldiers at Ft. Hood, while shouting Allah akbar, as an act of terror despite a mountain of evidence lInking Hassan to the Taliban and Islam, Were it not for political correctness the 13 soldiers would still be alive. Instead Obama must use the politically correct term of workplace violence, for fear of upsetting his Muslim pals, as well as for the cowardice of confronting radical islam. Eventually, this toxic stew of multi-culturalism, political correctness, and gutless politicians may end up killing us all.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 20:44:44 +0000

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