*** Malak Diana Santos *** How I came to Islam and became a - TopicsExpress


*** Malak Diana Santos *** How I came to Islam and became a Muslim =========================== Assalamu ‘Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh, Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem I am (Malak) Diana Santos I am revert since December 2008. To become a Muslim is far behind in my thought, Subhanallah until Allah (SWT) guide me to this Beautiful Deen. My story started when I shift our accommodation which now is just next to Islamic Center. I was born Roman Catholic my grand parents are very much dedicated in the faith similarly my mother. My 2 auntie are having different Christian faith as well which they always advicing me to learn about their faith giving and sending me message Bible Verse which did not attract me. When I came back to Dubai last 2005 I started joining the doctrine of Church of God , well known name (The Old Path). I was Baptized in this faith for almost 3 years before Embracing Islam. In my 3 years of this faith I am so certain that there will be no other faith which teaches right path except our Faith (Church of god). I was certain in this faith because the preacher will always challenge us member that if you try to compare the teaching to others when it comes to bible he is always winning the debate to different Christian faith. We are doing Bible exposition in Dubai inviting others to our Faith some Hindu and other Christian faith embraced this faith except Muslim. Until one day our preacher adviced us to invite in our bible exposition more Christian and other faith and leave muslim as he said that muslim you cannot shake them to their Belief. Subhanallah from that time I am just curious what muslims are believing then ?if they don’t worship what we worship not knowing what is the doctrines. we are going on and on in our Bible exposition propagating Christianity, but I have certain difficulties with my schedule at work as I cannot have Friday off. I keep on requesting for Friday because of our church congregation but no one listen to me and management not allowing as well as we work on sales. Subhanallah I am working with fellow muslims and I am getting irritated because no matter how busy we are at work they will find time to perform their prayer and I am feeling very bad and I told to myself they pray 5 times in a day they fast whole month of Ramadan and we Christian we pray only when we wake up and before going to sleep. if you analyzed who is better of course muslims. Once again I requested to my superior for Friday day off because I don’t want to missed our prayer congregation but he rejected my request. I felt so bad until I finished my duty and passing by to Islamic Center with an Slogan (Islam Discover its real Beauty) which irritates me about the muslims more. I went inside the IIC and Bro. Tameem Indian receptionist assist me with a good smile and ask me any help I need, I told him is there anyone who can explain to me about Islam? Then he ask me to go inside class room with the chinese teacher sister Khadija and she welcome me she ask me to sit and shes teaching to a Filipina new revert Arabic alphabet then I am sitting and observing and I ask the Filipina revert why she embrace islam she said this is the right path. Then I ask permission to go out in the room I asked the brother to please can any Filipina explain to me about Islam because the teacher inside is chinese, he direct me to Bro. Yahya Macquiran. I ask the brother to explain to me the belief of the muslims. Now my intension is once I knew islam I will know how to call this muslims in christianity which happen the way other around Subhanallah. Bro. Yahya ask me about my belief he carry the Quran and he carry bible as well he ask me to choose to explain Islam with bible teaching or Quran during my conversation with the Brother I stated to think whatever he is saying and explaining is make sense but I did not accept Islam on that day He said to me you can come anytime and if you have question write them all and we will try to answer he said. Then my mind started to think while going out from IIC I saw this books for dawah. Islam Discover its real beauty, Scientific miracles of Quran and the Biography of the Prophet SAW and started picking one by one and ask the brother if I can buy he said take as much as I can as this books are free, Subhanallah my thought about muslims started to change I thought to myself if they are not believing in God how come they have school teaching their faith , they have free books which in Christianity they will say free but you can give donations. So I took all this books started reading them one after the other and this books explain clearly about the worshipped of One God ( La ilaha Illallah) the truth about the Quran and the Prophecy of Prophet Mohammad (SAW) I read all this in one night . The next day I asked my colleague I give him challenge to bring me books which prove that the Bible we are reading and following is no longer authentic then I told if you bring me this then I will not ask for Friday day off again. In a 3 0r 5 days he brought one book “Is the Bible a word of God” by Ahmed Dheedat. I read that and compared what is written there and what is written in the bible Subhanallah I was crying because this proves that there are many errors in the bible how we are blindly following this and now, I started searching more about Islam without telling anyone a work we have our laptop my colleague has downloaded and save lectures of Dr. Bilal Philip like Purpose of life. And another renowned scholar not to mention his name talking about the Seerah (Biography)of Prophet Mohammad (SAW). And a download files about the Stories of the Prophets . Subhanallah for more than one month I was just studying listening and reading all this until one day I asked God, I said oh God if you are there then please guide me to the right path as I am confuse and I believe in your Power, I also said and cried if you have guided me to the right path I will try my best to walk on it. Subhanallah I get down from the building toward IIC again it was sister Khadija I asked her can you please teach me how perform the prayer of the muslims? She asked are you muslims I said no not yet I wanted to learn first then she asked me do you believe in One God I said Yes! Then she asked me again do you believe that Prophet Mohammad SAW is the last and Final Prophet and messenger? I said Yes! Then she asked do you believe that Jesus is a son of Virgin marry and was a prophet of God ? I said Yes! Then she said repeat after me, in Arabic and now you are muslim, Im shocked because I did not knew to become muslim is just like that no ceremony simple and I felt relieved after the Shahadah she hug me and welcome me in Islam which I felt good Subhanallah. From that time my Journey in Islam started. IIC is my first home since I did shahada. In the church where I belong they started searching for me and talking to me to come back to Christianity but I refused rather I did not stop attending the class weekly. When I embrace islam I got the Friday day Off for one year Subhanallah. I am attending the class of Sister Aisha Mefta and Brother Yahya, and have it not because of the studies learning the faith I don’t think I can be strong. As I grew in Islam I felt more certainty of the faith Subhanallah. Alhamdulillahi Rabbil ‘Alameen for guiding me in Islam which gave me the understanding of the Real Purpose of our Existence. Alhamdulillah for all the Blessings of Quran and the Sunnah of our Beloved Prophet Mohammad SAW. May Allah SAW keep us Firm in His Deen Ameen. Ya Muqqalibal Qulub Thabbit Qulubana ‘ala deenik.
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 09:22:07 +0000

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