Many folk see the dissent of the three women justices as a matter - TopicsExpress


Many folk see the dissent of the three women justices as a matter of gender - is it also a matter of religious tradition? The US Supreme Court was asked to rule upon whether religious institutions could be compelled to violate their religious principles as part of a legislative mandate. It is interesting that commentators call the ruling Taliban in its quality. Well, is it any more Taliban to compel violation of ones religious principles? Moi digs deeper when progressos attempt to define some person as a hero to them because of their Christian faith. Often moi finds that the Christians progressos find so charming have a very elastic view of Scripture and Christianity. In other words, as long as your label is useful to us, we will let you have it. Sandra Fluke has always been an interesting case, why go to a faith-based institution if you dont want to adhere to their rules other than to make a point about how much you hate their rules. Why go to Mc Donalds if you dont like fast food. There are many things about Justice Sotomayers story which are compelling, but her interpretation of FIRST AMENDMENT guarantees to a religious faith you dont like does not move moi.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 05:09:59 +0000

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