Many have asked, what happened at Long Branch Baptist Churchs - TopicsExpress


Many have asked, what happened at Long Branch Baptist Churchs Womens Day Brunch: A Womans Touch, on yesterday. I dont mind sharing, at all. I always share bits and pieces of my story, but dont do pity parties...I prefer prayer parties. ;-) Minister Kim Adams, asked me to share my story and I tried. I have only broken down, sharing my story with my sorority sisters. When I go into ugly cry mode...its not anger or self-pity...its showing my gratitude of how far God has brought me. Here is what all the talk is about: In 2007, I suffered a mild stroke, while preparing for the National Certification of Education. My plan was to be certified nationally, to apply for a job, teaching the children at St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital, in Memphis. Unfortunately, I did not pass, but still attempted the computer section, in tears…having limited use of my fine motor skills. My principal at Plain Elementary knew my love for teaching, and allowed me to work half-time, still receiving my salary, despite my mild case of aphasia and limited motor skills. Doctors diagnosed I had a deficiency of protein D and I was placed on blood thinners and a film of white matter on my brain, was frequently scanned. Late 2010, I started feeling bad, again, and each morning I awakened to go to my classroom, I was too dizzy to go. One morning, I fought it and drove to work, after running into bushes, I was familiar with backing towards, every morning. I lasted about 1 hour and had to call my mom. She rushed me to the ER and I had suffered another Stroke. I stayed in the hospital for 5 days…given blood thinners and sent home. One night, watching TV with my mom and company...the worst migraine came upon me and I yelled and vomited, uncontrollably. The next day, my mom took me to my doctor, who said take me to ER. After 1 month, in GHS, I had lost my ability to walk, talk, use my hands, know when to use the bathroom, and had no appetite. During that month, I had to undergo MRIs and spinal taps, in which I was finally diagnosed with a lesion on my brain. The lesion had dissolved some of my cerebellum and is inoperable. I spent a 2nd month in Roger C. Peace Rehab, relearning to speak, control a wheelchair, use my fine motor skills, and how to control my bladder. I was assigned a psychologist, who was given the task of telling me, I was dealing with a fatal situation. Doctors were alarmed when I didn’t have any emotion toward the news. I never cried, until I was told I could no longer teach. Minister Adams asked me to share how I use my hands. In my 2 months at GHS, I never asked God, “why me?” My question was, “what do I do, now?” I felt like, after I asked that question, people kept telling me, “you inspire me.” I lost count of how many people visited me in the hospital, but I have been told…I looked like I was not going to make it. How do I use my hands, after being an early retiree’: -I work out 6 days/week -I tutor 4 days/week -I am a mentor for middle school and high school girls with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority -I teach Bible Study to our preschoolers -I am Educational Director, of Summer Camp, in which having bi-lateral hip surgery in Oct…I can’t wait to play games. -I am a teacher in Children’s Church -I am the leader of our Singles Ministry -I am one of the leaders of Gods Little Daises -I am the instructor of our Black History Club -I am the instructor of our Youth Book Club -I am responsible for crafts during our Vacation Bible School To answer Minister Adams question: I use my hands…however the Lord uses me
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 02:35:27 +0000

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