Many of you have asked about what happened with my position at - TopicsExpress


Many of you have asked about what happened with my position at Generations. Because of the termination contract I was given, I was not able to answer any questions or discuss anything until the end of March. I want to apologize to those of you who have not received return phone calls or messages from me about all of this as I was told I couldnt speak about it. The intention of this message is to simply inform you of what happened in January and hopefully clarify a few unanswered questions that many of you have. On Monday, Jan 13, 2014 I walked over to Bob Bauers office for a scheduled meeting that was supposed to be about clarification of a few things concerning staff structure and future planning for the year. I was surprised to walk in to his office and find John Young, the elder chair of GCC sitting along with Bob and was asked to have a seat. It was at that point when Bob shared with me that I was being terminated from my position at GCC effective immediately. I was escorted back to my office to get my things and then escorted to my car and off the property. The only explanation that I was given in regards to why this decision was made was that I had an issue with submitting to authority. I just want to set the record straight and say that never once did I go against what was asked of me. Like any team oriented environment, there were discussions and occasional disagreements, but at the end of the day, I never just up and did my own thing, I carried out the final decisions that were made. The thing about me is that I choose to speak up about things that I believe in and protect my staff and volunteers from decisions that might affect them in a negative way. In the eyes of the leadership, this is seen as insubordination. I disagree with that philosophy. I believe that we are allowed to disagree respectfully and still handle difficult decisions in a Godly manner. The main thing is that I wholeheartedly believed in the vision of Generations. I was excited about where things were going and what God was doing and the people I had the privilege of serving alongside, but I was told by the senior pastor that I had reached my leadership potential. And despite rumors from Greg Johnson and others that I left to pursue a music career or because I was trying to reach a different, younger demographic, neither of which are true, I was fired. Plain and simple. And it was a church leadership decision, not mine. All in all, Amy and I look back at our time at GCC and have no regrets. We fell in love with such a diverse group of amazing volunteers who gave up everything to serve Jesus with excellence. My family and I are still very much hurting and are disappointed with this entire situation. My kids were uprooted from friendships they had built and Amy and I were ripped away from very deep and meaningful relationships without any warning. I know many of you are hurt as well and I pray for change to take place in the leadership of the church so that things can flourish again. Me being let go is just a bi product of many greater issues and many of you are observing that. So I ask you to pray. Pray for future decisions that are yet to be made that will impact the lives of thousands of people. Please continue to pray for my family as I am still looking for work. Jeremiah and I have started Storyboat Media where we are providing production services for local companies. As you know though, starting a business from nothing is very difficult. Please pray that God would provide work for us or a way to provide for our families. I have considered and prayed over every word of this message for quite some time. I felt led to include what I did so that you would have answers and hopefully a sense of closure. In no way is this meant to be divisive. The truth is that I really am committed to praying for the staff and the decisions being made at GCC for the future and I ask you to be involved with that as well. Dont be afraid to stand up or be bold for what God has put inside of you. He is our sole source of wisdom, comfort, and strength and I am fully confident in his provision and healing. Amy and I love you all and are praying for you daily.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 19:28:10 +0000

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