Many people are facing problem(s) today because they have feeble - TopicsExpress


Many people are facing problem(s) today because they have feeble mind and they go from left to right and right to left. After the death of Moses the servant of God, the Lord spoke to Joshua to lead the Israelites. In every aspects of life there is a challenge for everybody, if the Israelites had the feeble mind they wouldn’t have been able to take their stand in the Lord. God has a plan for your life. The plan of God for the Israelites was to get out of Egypt to Canaan land but Moses died on the road. Some of us, our husband is our Canaan land, our wife is our Canaan land, the Canaan land of some family is their bread winners and when an impromptu death visit these people many glory sink with it and many people wont be able to withstand it. In fact, many souls are sleeping now but unfortunately they could not possess their possession before they die. I pray that your own case will not be like this. This means that no matter how the human being is nice to us we should not take him as God. We should know that he or she is just God sent. The purpose of God for you and I is to prosper if we do accordingly to his will. Let me ask you, are you enjoying your life? Have you possess your possession? What are the problems you are facing that you think is permanent? Joshua told the Israelites to be strong and be courageous for the Lord was with them whitersoever they go. I am telling you that you have to be strong and believe in God. Our life is hampered because there is nobody to take us to our own Canaan land. Everyday are looking for someone to help us ( except those who are stealing government money) we are looking for people to favour us but why can’t we pray to God? Psalm 5:12 say, for thou Lord will bless the righteous with favour will thou compass him as with a shield. Are you a righteous man? How long have you meditate the word of God? Joshua 1:8 says, this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou may observe to do accordingly to all that is written therein for then thou shall make thy way prosperous, and then thou shall have good success. See, God can do it. He can change your life for better. There is guarantee that he will do it if you come back to him. Your pastor is not your God. Your benefactor is not your God. The word of God ( bible ) should not be replaced with the doctrine of the church and in fact many people have strong believe in this doctrine than the word of God. I am telling you now that if you can pray to God to forgive you and read psalm 23 with 3 days fasting, you will see that your story will change. Prophet Elisha said, hear ye the world of the Lord, tomorrow about this time shall a measure of fine flour be sold for a shekel, and two barley for a shekel, in the gate of Samaria. Then a lord on whose hand the king leaned answered the man of God, and said behold, if the Lord would make windows in heaven might this thing happen and Elisha cursed him and said thou shall see it with thine eyes but shall not eat thereof because he underrated the man of God. You are looking for the job, husband, wife, fruit of the womb, you have ailment in your body system, I urge to pray this prayer wholeheartedly and believe (if you don’t need it believe me you have people around you that this prayer might be very important in their life please tell them ) that God of prophets will make you a vessel of testimony. Father, I pray, grant your people their request as they seek your face in their prayers and let them possess their possession for your word to be established, in Jesus name. (Amen).
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 00:55:53 +0000

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