Mar 12, 2014 Notes from Norman Moses By Norman P. - TopicsExpress


Mar 12, 2014 Notes from Norman Moses By Norman P. Grubb Now this was the moment when Moses was taught practical faith action. No one else previously had been taught this as a kind of philosophy of life where you take action on something, move into it, and have it turn up. This is the word of faith completed by the action of faith. In Moses case, God said, You have a shepherds rod in your hand, throw it to the ground. When he threw it to the ground, it became a snake. Now, everyone runs away from snakes and so Moses fled. Then God said, Pick that up. How ridiculous to pick it up. He did say to pick it up by the tail, not the head, but actually thats worse because the head can come around and bite you. Now, this is practical faith, Do that Moses. And when he did it, he found the thing which had a snake nature, a biting nature, became his own rod, the rod he could use in his shepherding and which became to him a symbol of faith and that God does things. God gave him a second demonstration, this time by the hand that would hold the rod. He said, Put your hand in your bosom. Take it out. He took it out as a leper. He put it back again, and it was clean. This is the same idea: believe God; act as believing it. From Moses example we can learn the lesson of the practical operation of faith. This is not merely the theory, but how to operate in life by moving into situations which are all wrong and confusing. As we act in a situation in which God has put us, we act on what appears to be a diseased condition and it becomes a whole condition. This gave Moses a little first private practice in what he was going to do in a tremendous way in public. It set Moses going for this great event of history when this one man was to shake a nation to its roots, even to the point where the nation poured its wealth into this slave people to get rid of them. Fantastic! The wealth which the slave nation would take out, the jewelry the Egyptians just poured on them, was the wealth of Egypt. It built the tabernacle and maybe even the temple because we must presume that these Hebrews had no wealth of their own since they were slaves. One other fact to mention at this time was that Aaron, his brother, joined him. Moses desired to have a companion. Moses had told God, Oh, I cant speak, I dont have that public gift of gab, and I cant do that, so will you provide somebody who can do the public speaking for me? It was all right for Moses to do that. Remember, God meets us in our freedom. It isnt a law of life that you have to go by yourself. We are not under law. We do what we like and God adjusts Himself to what we like and turns it into good. God was a little annoyed, but that didnt hurt anything, either. God said a good word as a consequence, a very good word. Do you know what He said? And the Lord said unto Moses, Who made mans mouth? Who maketh him dumb or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Hath not I, the Lord? So God makes blind people. God makes dumb people, because God makes everybody, and because the physical is nothing. The physical is a very convenient way in which we find God, though often the more inconvenient it is the more we are pressed in to find God. Disease is not our problem, it is how we take disease that is our problem. That is a strong statement to make about the kind of person God is because the spirit relationship of a person and the purposes of God by spiritual persons is infinitely higher than the physical condition, and he actually fits the physical condition in. It becomes the agency by which He manifests Himself in certain forms. So you can include blind, or deaf, or dumb, or what you like, which are products of the fall and see that God utilizes them for His ends of grace. So Moses left that place and returned to Jethro saying, Let me go and return to my brethren which are in Egypt and see whether they be yet alive. This is Moses moving into action.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 14:37:19 +0000

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